If you thought our weed laws were strict, think again. Though North America is far from perfect when it comes to marijuana policy, by comparison, much of the world is medieval when it comes to drug enforcement. We’ve listed the countries with the strictest weed laws so you know the punishments for everything. From taking to a toke to running a cannabis empire.
1. United Arab Emirates
Drug possession is no joke in the United Arab Emirates. Even carrying residual amounts of any drug, including marijuana, can land you four years in prison, which is the minimum jail sentence.
If you’re caught trafficking drugs in the United Arab Emirates, you’re looking at the death penalty. And yes, having detectable levels of any drug in your bloodstream counts as drug possession.
Make sure you’re aware of customs and laws before traveling to the Emirates, one of the countries with the strictest weed laws.
Luckily, most people traveling to the Emirates aren’t going for marijuana tourism. Most often, this country’s strict drug laws become a problem for people passing through the airport.
Airport security is intense, high-tech and geared towards detecting trace amounts of marijuana. Authorities often pull travelers aside for random drug testing, so better to be safe than sorry.
There’s nothing mind opening about marijuana use unless you mean making the mind one large vacuous space that causes it to cease reasonable functioning and consideration for others. I was laid back about others’ pot smoking until the increasingly lenient laws in the U.S. meant that there’s hardly any enforcement of the pot smoking in my NONSMOKING apartment building. I’ve heard similar complaints from others in their apartment buildings. Sorry pot smokers, but as long as you force me to inhale your noxious fumes in my apartment building, parking lots, any public public venue whatsoever, I will be firmly against the use of marijuana and will seek greater enforcement and punishments. It’s your selfishness and lack of consideration that has made it this way.
Laura you ignorant slut! Your inane diatribe on how this medicinal and spiritual plant that has been mankind friend for thousands of years is both ill informed and ignorant. Not sure if you have any facts at your disposal, as there are none listed , but your little baby annoyance is as amusing as it is ignorant. I will enjoy watching the world wake up and change around the close minded retardation that is your voice and that of your “kind”. Fade away oh mouse squeak of activism, scurry off to your creatively bereft and humorless hole of self unawaness and get buried in the rubbish of “no one cares”
Hahahaha thank you for that comment. Laura needs to lighten up or light one up
Laura Johnson, thank you for helping me to LOL. People smoking in their own apartments is TOTALLY relevant to this article. Sounds like a pretty prieleged life, if THAT is you cross to bear. You might think about getting a life at some point though