Arizona Awards Cannabis Social Equity Licenses

State officials in Arizona selected the applicants for cannabis social equity licenses last week, choosing 26 lucky winners to open recreational dispensaries.

Arizona state regulators awarded cannabis social equity business licenses last week, selecting 26 lucky winners out of a lottery pool of nearly 1,200 applicants. The Arizona Department of Health Services Offices selected the winners at its office on Friday after a judge ended a challenge to the state’s program to award licenses for recreational cannabis dispensaries to applicants negatively impacted by the War on Drugs.

State officials and applicants crowded the health department’s Phoenix office on Friday as the winning applicants were randomly selected using Smartplay International state lottery software. The process was operated and audited by Henry & Horne LLP to ensure the security of the selection lottery. The selected applicants will now begin the process to open licensed adult-use cannabis dispensaries.

Legalization with Equity

Proposition 207, the historic voter initiative to legalize recreational cannabis passed by Arizona voters in 2020, included provisions to “promote the ownership and operation of marijuana establishments and marijuana testing facilities by individuals from communities disproportionately impacted by the enforcement of previous marijuana laws.” Applicant Arianna Munoz told reporters before the lottery that the social equity program has the potential to change her life.

“It would create generational wealth for me and my family. It would give me more opportunities to create other business ventures,” said Munoz, who was not selected in Friday’s lottery. “I’ve always wanted to be a brand owner and dispensary owner and it was the perfect time.”

Arizona’s legalization initiative included provisions to grant recreational cannabis business licenses to the state’s existing medical dispensaries, which began selling cannabis products to adults in January 2021. But social equity retailers will not be able to sell cannabis for medicinal purposes.

“Prop. 207 didn’t amend the Arizona Medical Marijuana act at all, so the reason why the currently established medical licenses can be kind of co-located is because they already existed,” explained Sam Richard, executive director of the Arizona Dispensary Association. “The only new licenses Prop. 207 created were adult-use, recreational licenses.”

Jon Udell, the director of politics for the Arizona branch of the National Organisation for the Reform of Marijuana Laws, said that a bill to fix the issue has died in the state legislature.

“Right now there just isn’t really a realistic path forward” for a legislative solution,” Udell said.

On Wednesday, Maricopa County Superior Court Judge James Smith ruled against three social applicants who filed a legal action to delay Friday’s lottery. Paul Conant, the lead attorney for the plaintiffs, said that the social equity licenses should not be awarded before the health department conducted background checks on the applicants. He argued that the process could lead to the selection of unqualified applicants.

“This is a one-time deal in Arizona,” Conant argued at a hearing on Wednesday. Awarding licenses to unqualified applicants only to revoke them later “would be unfair to all the other people who have submitted applications, paid their $4,000 application fee, and otherwise have gone through the process of trying to qualify.”

But the judge rejected the argument and declined to issue an injunction to block Friday’s lottery.

“The Court finds that the Department properly exercised power that Proposition 207 expressly gave it, used proper procedures, and used its discretion when deciding whether to hold the drawing before or after completing the checks,” Smith wrote in a ruling quoted by the Phoenix New Times.

Other challenges to Arizona’s cannabis social equity program focused on the details of business ownership. Under the regulations, qualified individuals must own 51% of a social equity business, allowing large corporations and multi-state operators an avenue to partner with applicants to operate under the program. Business owners are also permitted to sell their licenses to companies that are not owned by social equity applicants. Critics charge the rules for the program fail to live up to its social equity objectives.

Because Arizona’s recreational cannabis regulations include a cap on the number of adult-use dispensaries that can be licensed by the state, the social equity licenses awarded last week will be the last to be awarded for the foreseeable future. The selected applicants have 18 months to open their dispensaries. A list of the lottery winners is available online.

  1. Many have predicted that the licenses will quickly change hands. Winners could also face zoning issues and all the bureaucratic challenges of getting a brick-and-mortar dispensary running within a regulated industry.

  2. there is certainly TV Show More Traumatic than The Little House on the Prairie

    on account of the pandemic, Some trends solidified into routine parts of how we live: Zoom conferences, Outdoor concerts, shopping on the internet and an insatiable thirst for bloody crime.

    As if all mankind wasn’t scary enough, Gorging yourself on the goriest and most shocking crime stories became a common pandemic pastime. The genre’s revival it had its first heyday in the ’80s has raised queries about both who the audience is and why we find true crime documentaries so fascinating. (Women like them additional than men, principally, Partly because women find them useful for tips about how to avoid becoming crime victims themselves, Forbes revealed, Which we hope is the saddest sentence we’ll publish immediately.)

    the quantity do we like them? in Time: “When Serial launched in 2014, It became abdominal fat podcast to reach 5 million downloads and streams in iTunes’ history. in excess of what 1.6 million print copies of true crime books were purchased in 2018, as compared to 976,000 illegal copies in 2016, real estate market figures show,

    Making a assassin, the entire Jinx, Abducted in Plain Sight and Don’t Fuck With Cats charm, Scare us and we want to feel virtuous, At least in comparison to the evil on the screen.

    You may remember it in another way to. Think back on the retro TV show, this was set in late 1800s Minnesota, And it’ll likely stir up a uneasy image of a hard, Sad life when not having WiFi and Netflix.

    In january, Texas had a taste in other words, Big gulp of old timey life along with the mass power outages, And the show became a perfect fit for memes depicting the struggle. I i quickly acted like I was on Little House On The Prairie for an hour. may 17, 2020 But Little House will traumatize you with a lot more than with its depiction of the cruelties of pre internet life.

    The 1970s old fashioned series ran until 1983, Coincidentally in time the first round of true crime fever was peaking. It served up a slice of morality collectively episode, Mostly through the unfailing wisdom of the sensitive but violent at the appropriate time Charles Ingalls, Played by ervin Landon’s shirtless torso.

    while using memoirs of Laura Ingalls Wilder, The show was a history lesson. It that you learn us about life among settlers in the post Civil War era, And what we didn’t infer from the show we were inspired to find out on our own. (Let’s not pretend we didn’t all immediately rush to find out what the hell they used for toilet paper in the 1800s).

    Though perhaps not entirely in times past accurate, The show gave us a feeling of how frontier families lived, farmed, strived, Hunted and had sex in the actual room where entire families slept.

    From the opening credits showing a beaming Ingalls family looking to the long run as they arrive in their wagon to greener pastures in Minnesota to its comforting, lavish theme song, The show sets us up for the hour of pure wholesomeness. Little Carrie Ingalls tripping over the long grass in the intro makes the final closing sell in this con, Obscuring the nightmarish hellscape the show involved to spew from our TVs.

    The series starts off with the expected problems of a family heading west without a GPS, Buc ee’s or highway, alleviating obstacles thrown at them by nature.

    When the Ingalls get ready Walnut Grove, We are contributed first to a duo of palatable villains: Rich kid Nellie Oleson and her just detestable mother, Harriet, Who owns the town’s mercantile back with her husband, Nels, A man reliably embarrassed by his family. The Olesons irritate viewers with regards to unkind snobbery and constant meddling but mostly serve as comic relief, whenever they’re put in their place by one of the “effective” friendly characters.

    with passing of each episode, Plots become much more often hardcore and blatantly sadistic, coupled with

    Mrs. Oleson and her brat Nellie soon end up coming across like sedated lambs.

    Over nine conditions, The Ingalls family will have far more battles to outweigh than the fight for a good life in a new frontier with shitty neighbors. really should watch it today, You’ll be forced to relive all the scenes your brain succeeded in blocking out: rapes, pregnant by rape, Teen currently being by rape, forgotten babies, infant’s dying in fires, Limbs taken care of in gangrene, Endless cases of unsightly disease, visual child abuse, Kidnappings, the inclusion of racial slurs, Rampant violence and deaths that only get more wonderfully tragic. The death toll in one season of Little House on the Prairie could put a hardened serial killer off his lunch.

    We didn’t work with this. We weren’t very well prepared. We just weren’t warned. these days, i not able to look away.

    The show had an intermittent picnic and many a saccharine moment. Ma and Pa Ingalls were flawed, but their ethics were spotless. They were matched by an equally holy community derived from a benevolent reverend, we ought to also doctor, specific teacher and the lovable drunk with a heart of gold, mr. Edwards, Played by victor French.

    don’t be misled by his recurring gag, That jolly vocal singing of “traditional Man Tucker” That puts a jig in her walk. mister. Edwards will likely traumatize you. One scene has him placing a rifle in his mouth and reaching for the trigger. Pa saves your day, clearly, Before trying out the next scene where he’s most likely shirtless and punching a man who just wouldn’t see reason.

    How did all the traumatic scenery we were suffering from slip our memories? Nearly all episodes should’ve been having a number to a support hotline.

    Looking back on the program, We easily try to remember Laura, a nice freckled, Braided, Spirited kid how to fish in her bonnet, And her nemesis Nellie’s taunting as she bragged about her the advantage of [url=]chnlove review[/url] candy. The worst story we might remember was the time that Laura’s sister Mary went blind.

    in real life, Mary Ingalls did lose her picture, But the show strayed far from Laura’s real life accounts to punch us repeatedly in the gut in the name of pastime.

    the reverse Kodak moment, A photo of true horror, Was typical on the program, Which clearly was on a mission to prepare 1980s children for the shit show known as adulthood and perhaps whet their appetites for true crime as adults.

    Those adults today should stick to bio docs of serial killers and not rewatch the series unless there is a therapist’s approval. Little House on the Prairie is a little shop of horrors ready to reveal itself in your head, Like the memory of walking in on your mother and father doing it doggy that you locked away with a key and buried.

    Rewatching the series is like regression therapy all the way through psychedelics. It’s taking a vacation back through lost trauma and becoming cozy with room service. It’s a distressing exercise in confronting those bad memories we’ve edited out. But there you’ll find that it. Somehow there’s a vault of collective repression now sitting on Amazon Prime ready to attack us.

    granted, Today we are equally alarmed by the boundless disturbia called the news, But Little House on the Prairie was billed as children show. Whose family members? Charlie Manson’s.

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