Psychedelic therapy could be coming to Atlanta.
The governor of Georgia signed a series of bills aimed at bolstering the state’s agriculture industry, including one that will…
Georgia Gov. Brian P. Kemp announced that a drone drug delivery operation serving prison inmates was shut down.
Lawsuit charges include negligent misrepresentation, intentional misrepresentation/fraud, unjust enrichment/disgorgement, and two counts of racketeering.
In a warning to Georgia independent pharmacies selling low-THC cannabis oil, the DEA cited cannabis’s outdated classification under Schedule I.
Georgia is the first state in the U.S. to permit independent pharmacies to sell low-THC oil.
The state reported that while its data previously showed 50,000 patients and caregivers, now it estimates there are only 14,000.
The decision comes from the Georgia Board of Pharmacy.
A House bill was recently approved to increase the number of medical cannabis licenses in Georgia.