Everyone loves a good infographic. Here are the ones you need if you love weed!
1. Marijuana Money
We all have those moments where we say, “I’d be rich if I’d thought of that.” The problem is—we’re usually so high that when we come up with a good idea, it’s gone by the morning. Here’s one idea you hopefully won’t forget.
2. Creatively Uncreative
Who said stoners can’t be creative? This chart of the most popular words used in marijuana branding, most likely. Hey, why fix what isn’t broken?
3. What To Expect When You’re Expecting… a Drug Test
With public opinion on marijuana constantly evolving, most jobs don’t drug test. Depending on your industry, though, you might expect to be drug tested, and probably more than once. This chart helps show what methods are your best bet.
4. Sativas, Indicas and Hybrids? Oh My!
As long as you aren’t getting your weed from the dealer you met in high school, you probably have to make the choice between sativas and indicas. Each one has its pros, which make it better suited for whatever activity you’re getting high. Here’s a simple chart to remind you of the differences when you’re too high to remember.
5. Vaping (and No, Not the Obnoxious Kind)
Although for a lot of us the only choice when smoking is a bowl or a joint, if you have the opportunity, vaporizing your weed is definitely the way to go. Not only is it a slightly cleaner high, but the method is much better for your lungs overall. Just make sure you’re not that guy (or gal) who quits smoking bowls to vape and then constantly talks about vaping.
6. The Most Interesting Plant in the World
Marijuana had a long history before it became the plant as we know it. For something that you’re putting into your body once a day (or, let’s be real, several times a day), it’s good to know the history behind it. Whoever said learning can’t be fun obviously never tried smoking and reading.
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