Instant Pot in Your Instant Pot: The No-Mess, No-Smell Method to Making Quick Cannabutter

If you love cooking with cannabis but aren’t wild about the aroma it leaves in your kitchen, cooking with an Instant Pot might be the perfect solution.
Instant Pot in Your Instant Pot: The No-Mess, No-Smell Method to Making Quick Cannabutter
Wikimedia Commons

The Instant Pot is having a moment. In addition to making fork-tender ribs in minutes, you can use the magic countertop pressure cooker to make a batch of cannabutter in five steps, without arousing any olfactory suspicions. It’s the stuff Ron Popeil would dream of—set it and forget it!—if Ron Popeil was cool. All you need for this recipe for making quick cannabutter is bud, canning jars (the type with the lid and ring), a fat of your choice, and pantyhose.

Pro Tip: If you don’t have pantyhose, you can use cheesecloth or even a lightweight clean T-shirt. Anything that will strain out fine particles will work—but pantyhose were our test kitchen star.

Step 1: Decarb in the Jar

Grind your weed. Stretch the pantyhose around the mouth of the canning jar(s), and pour the finely-ground weed into the DIY filter. Pop the lids and rings on, and gently screw closed. Set the jars in a 225-degree oven for about 30 minutes, or on the “Slow Cook” setting on your Instant Pot for 35 minutes. The weed is decarbed and fully activated once it smells piney and turns a deep green.

Step 2: Add Fat

You can use pretty much any fat you like. Butter and coconut oil are great for baking with. Olive and avocado oil make for lightly-flavored finishing oils for savory foods. Note: Don’t fill jars more than 3/4 full.

Step 3: Apply Pressure

Set the jars in your Instant Pot. Add water to the pot until it’s halfway up the side of the jars with lids on finger-tight (firmly, but not super tight). Press the “Pressure Cook” button once, lock the lid, and you’re almost done. The timer will set itself for 30 minutes.

Step 4: Cool it

Once the timer goes off, pull the pressure release valve and remove the jars from the pot using tongs. Let the jars cool before you handle them in the final step.

Step 5: Strain

Unscrew the lid, gather the filter like a tea bag, and squeeze every drop of the buttery goodness into the jar. Remove the filter with the strained weed, tighten the lid, and your cannabutter is ready to eat or refrigerate. Depending on the size of your Instant Pot and your jars, you can make several pounds of butter in one go without skunking up your kitchen.

Bonus: The butter-soaked weed leftovers make a great addition to granola. Combine with toasted nuts, dark chocolate, and dried cherries.

  1. How much weed? How much fat? Yet another “recipe” that does not reveal the details. Why is that? I’ve seen it so many times on so many sites. How about someone being specific? Ya’ know, like in a recipe for food.

      1. I’ve been doing the same recipe for years. Oz per pound is the golden pocket lol and my names matt too 😂

    1. You can use 8gms or 16gms with one stick of butter or two. It depends on how stong/potent you want your edibles. My strain has 27% THCA which turns to THC when you decarboxalate, which is the first step. The second step is adding the butter or oil. I usually use 8 gms for 1 stick of butter. Turned out great. Hope this helps you.

  2. Matt – how has that ratio worked out for you? I’ve seen one recipe that said don’t use less than an ounce per 1/4lb (stick). I have 1oz of avb that water cured for a couple hours. I plan on cooking soon and was going to do 2 sticks (1/2 lb) with the 1oz.

    Curious as to what you’re results are. My avb is probably about 10 different strains over a period of time, but almost all of my smoke is pretty good so I’m hoping for some good butter.

    1. Golfer-
      For ever 1 ounce of flower I do 2 cups of oil or butter with 1 teaspoon of the sunflower lecithin. So far I think its a really nice balance and everything seems to blend really well.

  3. I hope I’m not seeming obtuse, but I’ve never cooked with weed before. You’re leaving the pantyhose filter on the jar during decarbonization and pressure cooking, right? When you add butter, are you melting it, then pouring over the weed and filter? Thanks in advance for clarifying!

    1. Yeah, this recipe is really unclear. “Add fat”. …Ok? How? How much? No pictures or anything either?
      There are way better recipes out there.

  4. I don’t trust much of this. Sure, it probably works, at least to some extent, but I wonder how that compares to other methods and how much THC is both activated during their idea of decarboxylation or how much THC is destroyed by pressure cooking the cannabutter.

  5. To answer some questions, this is the method I have used dozens of times with great success.

    Grind 14grams of herb and place in a pint size mason jar closed “finger-tight”.
    Decarb in instant pot on high-pressure in a water bath for 40 min. Quick release the pressure.

    Add 1/2 cup coconut oil and 1 tsp lecithin to jar and stir. Put lid back on and place back in instant pot in water bath on high-pressure with lid on finger-tight for 35 more minutes. Quick release pressure.

    Remove and strain into another pint jar that is covered in cheesecloth. Use a rubber band to keep the cloth in place. Make sure there is a divot in the center of the cloth so the herb doesn’t spill all over.

    After it drips a while give the cloth a little squeeze to get excess oil out of the herb. I like to save the herb to make firecrackers, PB & Mary J sandwiches, etc. Voila, you have a 1/2 cup infused (very potent) oil to make brownies with.

    1. Hey Jeff, What model of Instant Pot (IP) do you use for your decarbs & infusions at high pressure? (IP Max’s high pressure is 15 psi)
      Have you ever tried infusing in a mason jar using your IP’s slow cook or sous-vide option(simmering water bath) with either the pressure vent open or lid off & if so how long did you infuse?
      And lastly; using a mason jar, have you ever done a one-step decarb & infusion with your IP & if so what was the process? Thanks muchly

      1. Sunflower lecithin is a natural emulsifier, that breaks down fats into smaller fatty acid chains which pass through the blood brain barrier more efficiently. Cannabinoids are lipophilic, attaching readily to fats. In theory this increases absportion not necessarily potency however allows your brain access to more cannabinoids.
        It’s a cost effective method for stretching out your medicine, needing a lower dose to achieve desired effect.
        Some who usually don’t feel effects from edibles say they do when sunflower lecithin is added.
        It’s also safer then soy lecithin, as no solvents are used for extraction, no chance for residuals in the final product.

  6. If you’ve done infusions before, this is an easy recipe to follow and a compete game changer if it works without breaking glass.

  7. Is this with bud or trimmings? Does the grind stay in the filter the entire time or go in the oil or butter? Sorry, I got lost somewhere….

    1. Jeff G.’s comment above gives a comprehensive recipe above. The original is crap, in my opinion. Better article title: For all those that would like a recipe to make cannabutter in the ip, Google it.”

  8. I will try this. I’ve been through an Ardent FX (timer settings changed after two months; returning it was a nightmare mostly due to the post office – that happened earlier this year). I loved the machine and miss it but I’m buying local so returns are free and I don’t get lost driving to a store to return it:) . Cost to return made the machine total cost about $300 and I didn’t want to pay that … but had to due to a problem with it, darn it.

    I have an InstaPot that I’m returning. I can’t get Pressure Cook on low (infusion calls for 4 hours low (but slow cooker or pressure cooker) and I’m just unable to get it to work. Times and their product have changed, so this is expected. This does have a sous vide function. Wonder how the expert feels about that (mentioned by another commenter).

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