I’m a licensed medical marijuana patient and am having trouble cloning the Papaya strain. Is this a hard plant to clone, or am I doing something wrong? Much appreciated you taking the time to answer this. – Brian
Dear Brian,
It’s true that some strains are harder to clone than others, but all of them can be rooted under the proper conditions. The two most important things to remember when cloning are high temperature and high humidity – 80 degrees and 80% work much better than room temperature and most ambient humidity.
You’ll find that if you heat your cloning trays from below with a simple electric heat mat and you use a clear plastic dome over the tray to create a moist environment, your cloning success rate will skyrocket. Strong, rooted cuttings are the key to a healthy garden down the road and a bigger yield overall come harvest time. Also, use a sharp blade and a reliable rooting hormone (powder or gel both work great).