What To Do When You Have Cotton Mouth

If you’re ingesting cannabis, cotton mouth is an inevitable side effect you’ll have to learn to deal with.
What To Do When You Have Cotton Mouth

4. Nose Breathing

What To Do When You Have Cotton Mouth

Keeping your mouth open or using it to breathe will allow more moisture to escape.

Switch it up and use your nose to breathe.

If congestion is making it hard to breathe through your nose, try the next option.

  1. Hey Ab i’m not an expert, but i’m trained in Holistics and took everything i knew and switched it to Weed and CBD. I think i am probably more in touch with weed and what it can do than a lot of people. And grow and make just about anything. From gummiies to Chilli. CBD , and capsules. Its fun to be able to find different ways to help people. I don’t currently have a web site as i have no idea how, but you can get me on my email.

  2. I know for a fact that these comments were left by someone who was high as I’m doing right now because one just left a bad review on the advice lmao and the other talked about nothing for like 6 lines

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