How To Stop A Joint From Canoeing

Learn how to stop a joint from canoeing to be the hero at the smoke session.
How To Stop A Joint From Canoeing

2. Light Evenly

How To Stop A Joint From Canoeing

Even if you rolled a perfect joint, you can still cause it to canoe by lighting it the wrong way. Take your time when sparking up.

Don’t start smoking and passing the joint until you’ve got it lit evenly. This can be tricky in windy weather so try to block any wind when igniting the tip.

A wild wind can move the flame and burn an undesirable part of the joint, causing it to canoe right away. Fortunately, you can still roll a joint in a windstorm and have it smoke if you do everything right.

To prevent the joint from burning unevenly right at the start, spin the joint while burning the tip. Make sure you’re equally distributing the flame to every side. Once it looks evenly cherried all around, you can take a puff to see if it is, in fact, burning evenly.

  1. i actually thought this was a nice article and it filled some gaps in my knowledge about preventing canoeing and for that i’m grateful (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)

  2. I agree. It solved my issue and informed me of why the issue was occurring. The article also told me what it was called. I know someone called her a clown, but they didn’t realize the author went to clown school and knows how to write. 😀 I’m not great and comebacks…

  3. Actually, those answers are only are correct if you smoke without tobbaco. it differs from the way you smoke. yes a joint canoes due to burn rates so why is this?

    Well it’s because weed and tobacco burn at different rates weed burns faster so if you haven’t mixed your tobacco and weed and there more on side than the other your joint will canoe regardless of how you have rolled it.

    The way to combat this is to grind your weed and tobacco in the same grinder and mix it effectively so one or the other isn’t at one side and it blended together

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