7 Best Different Ways to Smoke Weed Without a Pipe or Papers

There are plenty of ways to get by without a pipe or papers.
7 Ways To Blaze Without A Pipe Or Papers

Ever find yourself with weed but no way to smoke it? Maybe you broke your pipe last week and you’re out of papers. If you’re not mobile or its too late at night, you might not be able to get to any place that sells either one. Not to worry, there are still several ways to blaze without a pipe or papers. The following methods can all be done at home without ever having to step outside or make a purchase.

Homemade Ways to Blaze Without a Pipe or Papers

Gravity Bong

If you’re really trying to get blazed, a gravity bong will get you higher than you would with a pipe or papers. We recommend making one when you’ve got a bunch of friends over and want to get as high as can be.

How To: Grab any 2-liter bottle or giant plastic jug. Cut a hole somewhere at the bottom. Carve a hole in the cap and insert a bowl made of aluminum foil.

Fill the bowl with weed and keep the cap aside. Keeping your finger over the hole at the bottom of the bottle, fill it all with water.

Once the bottle is full, put the cap back on. Holding the bong over a sink, bathtub or somewhere outside you can let go of the hole and let the water spill.

Light the bowl as soon as you let go and the water will slowly be replaced with thick clouds of weed smoke.

You can also make a gravity bong by cutting the 2-liter bottle in half and putting it into a bucket of water. Just light the bowl as you push down into the water and the top half of the bottle will fill with smoke. Remove the cap and there will be enough smoke in there to share with some friends.

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