6 Ways To Save A Broken Weed Cartridge

No dab gets left behind.
6 Ways To Save A Broken Weed Cartridge

Make THC Oil For E-Cigs

6 Ways To Save A Broken Weed Cartridge

If the oil is thin and is already cut with polyethylene glycol (PEG) or something similar, it might work in an e-cig or e-juice vaporizer.

If not, adding a little bit of one of them or another thinner like coconut oil should make THC oil that will work in an e-cig.

Final Hit: Broken Weed Cartridge

We’re assuming you landing on this page means you didn’t give up hope on your broken weed cartridge. As you can see, your hope wasn’t misplaced. Now you have a few different ways to salvage and use the oil left in your broken cartridge. If you’re smoking one of the best THC cartridges on the market, you’ll want to use every last drop.

  1. Hello Ab, thank you for all your great articles on cannabis. I am always frustrated having my oil broke and a collection of oils with leftovers hoping they would someday work. I tried all different ways but nothing worked that well for me. I created a kit that helps transfer oil from one to another. It makes it so easy and it’s kind of fun. It works well and saves money. Check it out https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=12&v=880TLs3fjmg&feature=emb_title. If you are interested I can send a few to you, let me know where to send it.

    1. Actually, it depends on the oil type. There are distillates and RSOs, several come in cartridges or syringes that can be used to refill said cartridge OR dab directly.

  2. Well, I’m glad to have read this to say the least. Never would have dove into this topic myself. Very interesting!

  3. I just broke mine and I been hitting it broken since there wasn’t much left. It’s working pretty well so I assume you could also do this.

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