5 Over-The-Counter Medications That Are More Dangerous Than Weed

Turns out, there are some over-the-counter medications that are more dangerous than weed. Here are some to watch out for.
5 Over-The-Counter Medications That Are More Dangerous Than Weed

4. Midol

5 Over-The-Counter Medications That Are More Dangerous Than Weed


The side effects of a monthly visitor or a migraine cramping your style? Typically, the drug of choice is Midol. The drug is mostly marketed to women for its pain-relieving properties during menstruation. It has acetaminophen or APAP, one of the most popular over-the-counter drugs because it treats pain and reduces fever.

But acetaminophen continues to show itself to be highly dangerous for a number of reasons. It isn’t safe to consume during pregnancy, contributing to a potential for the unborn infant to have autism and ADHD.

Consuming Midol for female pain might be the wrong idea even if you’re not worried about becoming or being pregnant. The drug has a high overdose rate, and when in pain from a period or other issue, taking more than recommended happens occasionally.

Instead, consider marijuana to treat these specific ailments. It’s natural, safe, and you don’t run the risk of overdosing just to tame that awful ache in your abdomen.

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