Where To Get CBC
You won’t be able to find cannabichromene isolated extracts like you would with THC, CBD, or Delta 8 THC. However, there are products with low THC levels that are high in CBC.
You can find 30 to 40 percent CBC levels in SpOILed Patients Collective’s “Hornet Hibernate” drink. Be warned, it might put you to sleep because of the 10 to 15 percent CBN level.
CBN is a cannabinoid best known for its sedative effect. They claim a teaspoon is enough for the uneasy to get a good nights rest.
Final Hit: Cannabichromene
Cannabichromene has a wide range of health benefits that are making it more desirable over time. On top of being one of the most abundant cannabinoids in weed, research is starting to show that it is one of the most beneficial.
Since CBC is nonpsychoactive it can help a larger variety of patients like CBD does. We just need to conduct more research on the cannabinoid to confirm it and to better understand its many therapeutic effects.