Step 4: Use Organic Pest Control
There are beneficial insects to combat every plague and dozens of natural sprays that are effective and non-toxic ways to eliminate the pests that damage plants. Chemical bombs and harmful synthetic pesticides have no place in any cannabis garden.
Predator mites and ladybugs are simple to acquire through the mail. It’s actually kind of fun to watch them devour their prey—the evil vegetarian bugs that have been feasting on your plants. Smoke a big spliff, get a nice-sized magnifying glass and watch the massacre unfold. It’s like Discovery Channel, but with weed!
I just started growing organic,in the past I used synthetic chemicals and done very well. I now have all my plants in dire straits and trying desperately to save them. I don’t know where I went wrong and will take any suggestions or advice at this time.
Go back to what works for you