How The U.S. And Mexico Plan To Stop The Flow Of Illegal Drugs

An… OK?… start… Maybe.
How The U.S. And Mexico Plan To Stop The Flow Of Illegal Drugs

Despite the fact that federal leaders have spent decades unsuccessfully trying to take down their chosen bogeymen of the illegal drug trade, the United States and Mexico now believe they have what it takes to stop what has been called  “transnational criminal organizations” (TCO) from capitalizing on the junkie mentality. Take a look at how the U.S. and Mexico plan to stop the flow of illegal drugs across the border.

It was a laughable scene in Washington, D.C., earlier this week, set up to convince the sheeple of both nations that neighboring governments are working together to open a can of whoop-ass on cartel operations and prevent thousands of people from dying each year from overdoses and gang-related violence. But the new agreement signed between the U.S. and Mexico, enhancing cross-border communications, is really nothing more than a masturbatory ritual designed to show that Trump is serious about preventing a doomsday drug culture.

He’s not. And he can’t. But it sounds good to the 50 or so people who still support his presidency.

“This administration refuses to ignore the problem. The United States will no longer turn the other way or sweep this issue under the rug,” said Deputy Secretary of State John Sullivan. “That is why President [Donald] Trump has made a commitment to fight the opioid epidemic that has destroyed the lives of so many individuals and families throughout our country.”

It was just a few months ago that the Trump administration finally got off their fat cans and decided it was time to declare the opioid problem a “national health crisis.” The president spewed a lot of ideas over how he plans to “Make American Sober Again,” but he and his opioid commission have stopped short of coming up with anything revolutionary.

Supposedly, part of the plan is to make it easier for people to enter into drug rehab programs.

But research has proven that treatment really only has a 30 percent success rate. So, in order for the other 70 percent to having a fighting chance at getting clean, they will either have to learn to “Just Say No…again,” or rely on the federal governments to stop the flow of drugs.

Realistically, neither is ever going to happen.

One of the major culprits in this new drug war is fentanyl. This super strong opioid is being used with a variety of illegal drugs, including heroin and cocaine.

Just last month, Trump rattled the cage of Chinese officials, calling the country the choke point of fentanyl production. But now, the Department of Justice says this high-powered opioid, which can be up to 100 times stronger than morphine, is also coming up from the south.

“Fentanyl is—originally started mostly from China. It’s being sent in by mail directly to the United States,” U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions told reporters. “A considerable amount has been shipped to Mexico and then enters across the border in some fashion from Mexico.”

“We are also seeing precursor chemicals in Mexico and manufacturing labs begin to develop in Mexico,” he continued. “So one of the priorities I would like to see us do is to nip that in the bud, stay very intensely focused on those laboratories, and make sure that it does not become a big problem in the future.”

But Sessions doesn’t really have a clue how his department will accomplish this. As you can imagine, a brainstorm in this administration is somewhere between a light sprinkle and a drought.

As for Mexico, officials there officered the same vague explanation for how the latest agreement between the U.S. will actually work to prevent death and destruction at the hands of drug cartels.

“Thousands of Americans die due to overdoses. Thousands of Mexicans die due to the violence generated by illegal drug trafficking. And we will only be able to solve this problem by working together,” said Mexican Foreign Minister Luis Videgaray.

All that is known, at least according to a letter sent to United Nations human rights chief Zeid Ra’ad al-Hussein, is the countries have now made a “conscious decision” to stop the flow of drugs. Ah, color us… impressed?

In the mind of President Trump, he still believes crippling the dope slinging operations is as simple as building an enormous wall separating the U.S and Mexico. But the orange-haired goon has been in office for almost a full year and the government still has very little figured out with respect to implementing this ridiculous, multi-billion dollar plan.

The latest word is that the budget will do away with some border security technology to build more physical barriers between the two countries.

Experts argue the wall will have no affect on drug smuggling.

Mexican officials say that despite Trump’s backward agenda, it will not prevent them from working with the U.S. to save the lives of people caught up in illegal drugs.

“There is more that unites us than what divides us. The security of our people is the higher good for both administrations,” said Mexican Interior Secretary Miguel Angel Osorio Chong.

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