How much cash would you be willing to cough up to see President Donald Trump tarred and feathered in the streets of Washington D.C.? Figuratively speaking, of course. Well, for Hustler Magazine founder Larry Flynt, it is worth several million dollars to see the Donald’s four-year term as a mockery of the White House put to an embarrassing end, AKA Trump’s impeachment.
The Beginning of Flynt’s High-Roller Pursuit
On Sunday, Flynt ran a full-page advertisement in the Washington Post offering a $10 million reward to any person with information leading to the impeachment of President Trump. The ad, which has the appearance of an official government notice, comes complete with contact information so that tipsters can start sharing their despicable Trump tales for a chance at more money than most Americans will ever see in their lifetimes.
At the core of Flynt’s high-roller pursuit to nab the nation’s Orange Goblin by the short and curlies is the argument that the 2016 election, in which Trump defeated Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, was “illegitimate in many ways,” suggesting that it was Clinton that should have taken over as the leader of the Free World, according to the popular vote.
“Trump has proven he’s dangerously unfit to exercise the extreme power accrued by our ‘unitary executive,'” Flynt wrote. “Impeachment would be a messy, contentious affair, but the alternative—three more years of destabilizing dysfunction—is worse.”
An Infamous First Amendment Defender
This is not the first time that Flynt has put a hefty price on the heads of those suited tyrants representing a political agenda that blatantly goes against the grain of the basic freedoms supposedly guaranteed to the American people.
Once upon a time, the infamous First Amendment defender offered up a cool $1 million in cash for anyone with incriminating tales of “infidelity, sexual impropriety or corruption” involving members of Congress. The ad invoked a level of panic on Capitol Hill, causing then House Speaker-designate Bob Livingston to submit his resignation.
In 2012, Flynt took his $1 million bounty to the presidential race, offering the money to anyone who could get their hands on the tax returns of Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney.
Why He’s Now Calling For Trump’s Impeachment
But when it comes to putting down the rabid dog that is the Trump administration, a foul debacle that has the U.S. on the fringe of nuclear war with North Korea, Flynt, who calls Trump “the most powerful moron in history,” believes it is time to raise the stakes.
“Just because you pay for it, does not mean it’s not any good,” Flynt said in an interview with the Washington Post. “I don’t think you can live as recklessly as Trump has for 30 years and not leave some baggage along the way… I can’t think of something more patriotic to do than to try to get to get this moron out of office.”
Although President Trump has not yet taken to Twitter to offer his thoughts on the ad, his son, Donald Trump Jr., called Flynt’s attempts to push his daddy out of the White House an act of desperation.
“I love the smell of desperation in the morning,” he wrote in a Twitter post. “It smells like victory.”
Larry Flynt: From Porn to Pot
While Larry Flynt is probably best known for bringing porn into the mainstream by duking it out with hole-in-a-sheet religious zealots in the U.S. Supreme Court, he is also a vocal advocate for the nationwide legalization of marijuana.
In 2012, Flynt said the only reason cannabis has not yet been made legal all across the nation is due to some hardcore resistance from the pharmaceutical, alcohol and prison industries.
“Pharmaceutical companies don’t want people turning to pot for pain relief because it means they’ll be spending less on prescription pills,” Flynt said in a 2012 statement. “The alcohol industry doesn’t want the competition, either.
“With mounting scientific evidence that pot is safer than alcohol, legal marijuana would clearly put a major dent in the booze business’ profits,” he added. “Private, for-profit prisons only make money if they’re full, and that means locking up weed growers and pot smokers. This is what’s wrong with America. Our elected politicians ignore the people’s wishes and do the bidding of the corporations that line their pockets with cash.”
Last year, Forbes Magazine reported that Flynt was now an investor in the cannabis industry, purchasing $100,000 in stock from the public traded cannabis firm Pineapple Express.
Flynt’s daughter, Theresa, who is largely responsible for the creation of the Hustler Hollywood retail chain, has been the vice president of business development for the company since 2015.