Law enforcement officials all across America were wound up once again this year about the possibility of children being given marijuana-infused candies for Halloween.
It’s an old propaganda tactic that goes as far back as the Reagan administration, designed to scare parents into believing that a legion of ruthless scoundrels are out there, just waiting to get their kids hooked on drugs, starting with their trick-or-treat bags. Yet, still to this day, there has not been a single documented case of a youngster being given THC-infused goodies under false pretense.
But what about other drugs?
Report: Two Kids Test Positive For Cocaine After Eating Halloween Candy
Recently in Indiana, a couple of students allegedly got their hands on Pop Rocks candy laced with cocaine.
A report from Fox 59 suggests that two seventh graders at the Indiana College Preparatory School in Indianapolis got severely ill earlier this week, complaining of a variety of symptoms, including weakness and numbness, after eating candy given to them by one of their classmates.
Both youngsters ended up being transported to a nearby emergency room.
“My son was like unresponsive to me, weak in the legs, he couldn’t walk,” Yolanda Washington told the news source. “His legs were hurting. He told me he couldn’t breathe. I freaked out. I immediately told the school to call the ambulance.”
At the hospital, doctors confirmed that both adolescents had cocaine in their systems.
But nothing in the report indicates whether the candy itself was also tested for the drug. The parents, however, insist the poisoning was due to the candy being laced with hard drugs.
“It was the Pop Rocks,” Washington said. “It was candy but it had cocaine inside of the candy. Parents need to be aware. They need to let their kids know this is being passed out. Don’t accept nothing from anybody that is not sealed. No open candy whatsoever.”
Who Is To Blame For The Incident?
Although officials with the Indiana College Preparatory School confirmed the incident did, in fact, take place on campus, there is still a great deal of confusion over how the students came to be in possession of this candy fortified with Colombia go-go dust.
Although it seems the parents want to blame strangers with candy, it seems highly unlikely that people in Indiana, or anywhere else for that matter, are buying up cocaine just to send neighborhood trick-or-treaters to the hospital.
A report from Business Insider indicates that cocaine is still about $150 per gram in the United States, so it would take a real high-rolling sociopath to dole out coca-candies as part of his or her Devil’s Night shenanigans.
As it has already been established in the case of marijuana, which is much cheaper than cocaine, there is no evidence that kids are getting this stuff in their Halloween sacks. Therefore it is more likely that the boys obtained the tainted candy from a friend or family member.
The Indianapolis Metropolitan Police has launched an investigation in hopes of getting to the bottom of the incident. In cases of accidental drug overdoses involving minors, police investigators almost always look to the parents or legal guardian before expanding their search.
We can almost hear the toilets flushing now.