How To Get Your Legal Weed Permits in California

Planning to get in on the exciting action that is the Green Rush in the Golden State? Hopefuls will first need legal weed permits in California. Here’s how.
How To Get Your Legal Weed Permits in California
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It’s officially time to start looking into legal weed permits in California! The state is about to fully legalize recreational cannabis. If you want to break into the industry, it’s time to prepare.

The Steps For Licensing

The new year is a time for new beginnings.

In California, January 1, 2018, will mark the day when the Golden State starts the task of issuing legal weed permits in California. For those in the state who hope join the Green Rush and get in on the action, this date is everything.

If you’re planning on starting your own weed business, here’s a simplified, yet comprehensive, guide on how to start.

First Thing’s First

There are two important things to know before we start. If you’re an eager beaver and planning to apply for legal weed permits in California during the first couple of months of legality, you will only be able to get a temporary license.

This is because the state still has not finalized everything regarding regulation on their end.

And before you can obtain a statewide permit, you will need to apply for and be granted a local permit. Since both local and state permits are necessary to start and maintain cannabis businesses, you will also need to wait until your city finalizes local regulations.

The Application

You will be able to submit your application one of two ways. You can send your application through the mail if you don’t trust the Internet. Or you can apply online if you don’t trust the humans working in the mail system.

Either way, you’ll need the following four things:

1. Permission from the Government

This should be obvious, but unless you can show proof that you’re authorized to open a cannabis business, you won’t be able to move forward with your application for legal weed permits in California.

2. Business Information

You don’t need to present a detailed business plan.

For this component, you pretty much just need the basics of your business. Useful and required information includes the name of the business, relevant contact information and a brief summary of what your business will be.

And speaking of what kind of business you’re planning on having…

3. Your Desired Type and Class of License

You’ll need to officially decide upon what avenue you’re traveling on in terms of business.

In other words, pick a side: medical cannabis or recreational cannabis.

From there, you will need to specify what kind of business you will be running. Some options for this include retailer, testing lab and distributer, among others.

4. A Basic Floor Plan

This doesn’t have to be too detailed. The people reviewing your application just want to know the layout of the rooms and divisions of your business.

When you submit an application for a permanent license, though, you’ll need to provide more details, like what kind of security measures you will have.

None of this sounds too daunting, right?

Compared to the college application process, this seems like a walk in the park. Hey, no one’s asking you to write an essay explaining why you’re special and different from the millions of other students vying for a spot!

Again, keep in mind that this is a simplified and streamlined guide to legal weed permits in California. For more detailed information, visit the official website of the state’s Bureau of Cannabis Control. Good luck, everybody!

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