It would appear some of our nation’s premier psychedelic researchers have been experimenting with animal subjects other than lab rats:…
In the name of science, clumsy researchers in the ‘60s dosed a hormonal bull elephant with a massive dose of…
A new drug testing medical invention from a top university in Scotland may contain the ability to save many millions…
It's a sad day for all the horses and alpacas out there.
There is reportedly a small but notable kerfuffle taking place in a small Vermont town surrounding one man, his weed…
Scientists are trying to get to the bottom of the origin of consciousness via trippy rats.
Apparently racehorses actually test positive for cocaine with surprising regularity, and horse owners have been getting their equine companions high…
A group of hippos that escaped from the remnants of Pablo Escobar’s forgotten cocaine mansion have reproduced and wrought havoc…
The comment section in the K9 bust post didn’t go as planned, however.
Your need for weed is hurting the dog job market.