A trend is emerging among poultry farmers who are converting operations to industrial hemp farms.
Moon Valley Cannabis produces blindingly aromatic bouquets of fruity flowers.
The Zimbabwe Agricultural Marketing Authority is acknowledging the pros and cons of switching from traditional crops like corn, millet, and…
The scientific brief compares water demand for licensed and unlicensed cannabis grows in Humboldt and Mendocino Counties.
FDA-Center for Veterinary Medicine and Association of American Feed Control Officials are on their way to approving hemp seeds for…
A small region along the Eel River in Humboldt County allows cultivators to grow cannabis without ever watering their plants.
The USDA is rescinding hemp cultivation licenses for some farmers who are also licensed to grow hemp.
There is reportedly a small but notable kerfuffle taking place in a small Vermont town surrounding one man, his weed…
There aren’t many hemp cultivators left in Japan but those who remain are developing new products to boost interest and…