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11 posts
The Jockey, A Short Story by Charles Bukowski
He was already big enough to control one ton of racing beast. But could he tame the wild filly who served him his breakfast every morning?
July 3, 2024
From the Archives: Bring Me Your Love (1983)
Notes of a Dirty Old Man by Charles Bukowski
January 7, 2024
From the Archives: Camus (1983)
Given the immutable fact that the History of Man suggests only certain death for the individual, what else could Larry do but go face the young skirts of Modern Lit. 101?
August 20, 2023
From the Archives: The Death of the Father (1984)
Fiction by Charles Bukowski. Part I.
June 18, 2023
A Healthy Cigarette
Fiction by High Times's favorite short story writer, Etgar Keret.
April 26, 2023
From the Archives: Even Cowgirls Get the Blues (1976)
And this is what they do about it.
February 19, 2023