Governor John Carney

Delaware Bill Allowing ‘Human Composting’ Goes to Governor’s Desk

Delaware may very well become the eighth state in the nation to legalize a post-mortem process that may sound a…

1 year ago

Recreational Weed Now Legal in Delaware

Gov. John Carney of Delaware announced last week that he would allow two bills to legalize and regulate adult-use cannabis…

2 years ago

Delaware Senate Approves Cannabis Legalization Bills

The Delaware state Senate on Tuesday passed two bills to legalize marijuana for adults and establish a regulated market for…

2 years ago

Delaware Lawmakers Fail To Override Veto of Weed Legalization Bill

The Delaware House of Representatives failed to override Governor John’s Carney’s veto of a bill to legalize possession of small…

3 years ago

Delaware Governor, A Democrat, Vetoes Cannabis Legalization Bill

“Questions about the long-term health and economic impacts of recreational marijuana use, as well as serious law enforcement concerns, remain…

3 years ago