
Ex-President of Honduras Stands Trial, Accused of Taking Millions from Drug Cartels

President Juan Orlando Hernandez, once an outspoken advocate of stamping out drug crime now accused of corruption and taking piles…

12 months ago

ENTREVISTA: ¿Cómo Proyecta el Vicepresidente de Honduras Generar 85 mil Puestos de Trabajo con el Cultivo de Cannabis?

ElPlanteo.com habló con el vicepresidente de Honduras, Salvador Nasralla, sobre su propuesta de legalizar el cultivo de cannabis.

3 years ago

President’s Son Suggests Cannabis Legalization in Nicaragua

A son of the sitting Nicaragua president, Daniel Ortega, suggests reform immediately after the issue becomes inflamed in Honduras.

3 years ago

The Battle for Cannabis Legalization Is On in Honduras

Honduras is considering cannabis legalization to solve its employment problem—but not without controversy.

3 years ago

Drug Trafficker Says He Bribed Honduran President and Son

NEW YORK (AP) -- A man who led a violent Honduran drug trafficking organization has told a federal court in…

8 years ago

Deported to Honduras for a Joint?

That's what almost happened to Josue Romero, a 19-year-old art student in San Antonio who had received a work permit under Barack…

8 years ago

Central America: Tri-National Task Force Emerges to Fight Narco-Gangs

On Tuesday, joint security force bringing together the three nations of Central America's Northern Triangle officially began operations to fight…

8 years ago

Honduras: New Anti-Narco Force Claims Blow Against Sinaloa Cartel

In an operation dubbed "Saturn II," a unit of the new Honduran National Police elite anti-narco force, the Intelligence Troop…

10 years ago