The grant funds come from cannabis sales tax revenue and were awarded to 18 nonprofit applicants.
It’s a conversation that’s in no way new to the broader cannabis community, a double-edged sword so to speak surrounding…
Birmingham, Alabama will pardon thousands of cannabis convictions going back 30 years.
Officials of the Chicago suburb approved the plans this week.
How one social equity mentorship program is changing the face of cannabis.
Kyle Kazan is pleading the case of Parker Coleman, Jr.
Cannabis is meant to be for why does the business side of things have such an inclusion problem?
Legendary freedom fighter and drug enthusiast Abbie Hoffman has been brought back to our attention thanks to Aaron Sorkin's astonishing…
The Clean Slate bills include a measure that allows for the expungement of previous convictions for marijuana offenses no longer…
National Expungement Week is just around the corner—here's what you need to know!