Four-milligram naloxone works just fine, compared to the eight-milligram version.
A wave of military drug overdoses has forced the Pentagon’s hand to take two major steps in saving drug user’s…
The Biden administration attempted to take a step toward curbing the nationwide fentanyl epidemic Monday by sending a letter to…
But the survey reveals regressive attitudes about addiction.
The spray, known as Opvee, has achieved similar results to Narcan in studies.
Santa Clara University’s free Narcan vending machine could save lives.
Advocates say the sites prevent overdoses and save lives.
Zimhi is being released to first responders to combat powerful fentanyl overdoses.
NARCAN, a true miracle drug that can reverse opiate overdoses at the drop of a hat and save the user’s…
A new vaccine being developed could be used to help those prone to Opioid Use Disorder and opiate addiction.