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27 posts
Haiti: Narco-Compromised Army To Be Unleashed On Drug Gangs
Sound like a good plan?
December 20, 2017
Yet Another Deadly Prison Uprising In Mexico
There was yet another deadly prison uprising in Mexico. The latest grim manifestation of the unrelenting prison crisis in Latin…
October 16, 2017
What We Don’t Get About ‘Narcos’—and Why We’re Living Out an Alternative Narrative in Real Life
Pablo Escobar is not a heroic figure. When you kill enough people to become known as “The Patron…
September 11, 2017
Is Anti-Drug Strongman of the Philippines in Bed with Narco Gangs?
Is it really possible that Philippine President Rodirgo Duterte—who has unleashed a “War on Drugs,” which has now…
September 5, 2017
Mexico: Cartels Kill Another Journalist
Yet another Mexican journalist was slain on Tuesday, as the cartels continue to exact vengeance on any who…
August 24, 2017
Rights Violations Seen in Federal Mara Crackdown
Civil rights organizations in New York are trying to determine if police and school officials on Long Island helped federal…
August 3, 2017
Burma’s Rohingya Refugees Tarred with Narco-Stigma
The Rohingya Muslim people of Burma are facing what some have called genocide in their homeland, long denied citizenship rights…
July 26, 2017
Colombian Coca Production Makes Record-Breaking Jump
In unsettling news for the country’s peace process with the FARC guerrillas, Colombia registered a record-shattering 50 percent increase in…
July 17, 2017
International Investigators Targeted by Spyware Sold to Mexican Government
In the current atmosphere of cyber crime, hacking and spying, this is an especially egregious example: the international…
July 11, 2017