Browsing Tag
traffic safety
5 posts
Study Shows Weed May Impair Performance of Older Drivers
A new study shows that smoking weed can have an adverse impact on the driving performance of older adults.
January 24, 2024
Minnesota Launches Pilot Program for Roadside Saliva Drug Tests
The program will give law enforcement officers two different roadside saliva drug tests to gather data.
November 28, 2023
Canadian Study Links Cannabis Legalization to an Increase in Car Accidents
Americans tend to live under an onslaught of information derived from “studies,” “reports,” and the like, especially cannabis users. However, the best response when confronted with some hair-raising headline about the result of a new study is typically to ask for more context.
September 8, 2023
Weed Legalization in Canada Not Linked to Increase in Car Crashes
But let's talk about drunk driving.
May 15, 2023
New Report Recommends Tips for Successful Cannabis-Impaired Driving Campaigns
A new report examines impaired driving safety campaigns and how states can deter driving under the influence of cannabis through effective educational messages and community partnerships.
August 1, 2022