Categories: Weirdos

You Know What I Learned After a T-Break? That I Really Love Smoking Weed

Much ink has been spilled over the hallowed tolerance break, affectionately known to us stoners as the slightly threatening, slightly alluring “T-Break.” When you should take them, what they are, why you should take them, and a lot of other thoughtful discussions, that I have participated in, too, all with the goal of being a more thoughtful cannabis consumer. But something in the T-break assumption has always struck me as a little off, a little self-stigmatizing. The baseline assumption is that there’s an inherent threshold of negative amounts of cannabis use for everyone, and I want to try and unpack it here with like-minded readers.

Let me go on record as saying that T-Breaks are incredibly beneficial. While I can only moderately speak to the science behind why, as I’m not a doctor, I also think it’s never a bad idea to evaluate habitual behavior. See if you’re actually paying attention to things, whether or not they are helping or hurting. 

There was a time a couple of years ago, before I got pregnant and had a baby when I was wondering this for myself, whether or not my cannabis consumption was a problem. I smoke a lot of weed. Wake-and-bake, throughout the day puffing and bongs, evening edibles and more bongs and joints. On weekends, I typically also eat edibles during the day. For context, I’m a mother to a one-year-old, a wife, and I help run creative strategy for a media company, in addition to running my cannabis newsletter I don’t drink very much, except when tasting wine or cocktails for work, and I’ve got a busy, heady life. I think cannabis helps me—I enjoy how I feel in body and mind after using it, and because I have ADHD, for which I do not take pharmaceutical medication, I also believe it helps to settle my mind and keep me focused.

But I dunno. Everyone else says that smoking lots of weed is very bad for you! Even pro-stoner movies, like Half Baked, revolve around the premise of, “Holy shit, these people light up a lot. Let’s make it a punchline.” At the end of that movie, which is presented as a happy, pro-head conclusion, Thurgood (Dave Chappelle’s character) reveals he’s still smoking weed, which was his struggle versus his anti-weed girlfriend, Mary Jane, all along. Hurrah! But the catch is that it’s still a secret, and the movie fades to black. How is that a win if you still have to hide it!? And that’s just the media that’s created specifically for us. The rest of it is even more judgemental.

So it’s no surprise that anti-weed stigma seeps into even the most THC-laden brains, like mine, even though I should know better. That said, I am a journalist and writer by trade and nature, so I’m down for a little healthy skepticism. I’ve embarked on various T-Breaks of various lengths, some as short as a day or two, others as long as a year, back around a decade ago, and, more recently, one that was about nine months long, give or take (I was pregnant). Before I got pregnant, I was consuming more than I ever had in my life, and that’s where the wondering around my use started to ratchet up in my brain.

For years, I had been at the point where I knew I couldn’t go a day without using cannabis, couldn’t buck the urge. That bothered me in theory more than in practice: my multiple-times-a-day consumption wasn’t affecting my daily life negatively, per se, but I didn’t like nor trust the compulsion. Life took care of that for me in short order: During this period, I became pregnant and promptly stopped consuming anything with THC. Then, I had my baby, who was happy and healthy and who remains so. 

Now, 13 months later, I’m back to consuming throughout the day at levels that would frankly scare most people, especially mothers and folks who have traditional ideas about how mothers should behave and what substances they should consume and when. I work full-time, and I’m firing on all cylinders. I check in with my health practitioners, including my therapist, who is 420-friendly and believes my use helps me manage my ADHD. I spend a lot of time at home with my son and my family. I’m happy, functional, healthy, and, truthfully, currently living my best life.

So, what did I learn after all this thinking and breaking, only to end up more-or-less in the same spot? I’m sure there are many reading this who would be like, “Jackie, you’re addicted to weed,” and that conclusion is supposed to be a bad thing. That I can’t or won’t stop, despite society loudly or quietly hinting I should, and designations swirling around medicine and media like “Cannabis Use Disorder,” which I certainly qualify for, saying my use is problematic. But even if these designations are accurate, if that’s the case, who is it hurting at this present moment? Certainly not me, nor anyone in my family. Not my employers, not my friends. So I’m just not sure it matters, and I think the only person I’ve needed to answer to this whole time is me, and clearly, I lost sight of that. 

So I’m just going to say it once and for all: I consume a ton of weed, and I absolutely love it. Not much more I need to say beyond that.

Jackie Bryant

View Comments

  • There is an upper limit for me that I've only exceeded with edibles. Its somewhere north of 10 joints per day. I get nausea, and sometimes even aggression. Annoying stuff on the road starts getting to me more than it should. I stop giving people the benefit of the doubt, that sort of thing. When I back off on my consumption, it goes away. I'm retired so don't really care about the addiction angle, and besides it reduces my alcohol consumptions to nearly zero.

  • Who the fuck calls it a "T break" when methheads refer to meth as T? Stop trying to come up with stupid little gay names for everything, America.
    Seriously. Its just a fucking tolerance break, it doesnt need a gay little fucking name, especially one that literally is already being used by methheads. Fucking lazy ass americans will be talking like the chili guy from the Office by 2026, i swear. "why use big word when small word do trick, me so smart"

    • Hey kid, “T-Breaks” have been around longer than your favorite meth slangs, slick. Keep em high and tight, piss on me, beat me.

    • A drug by any other name... I have never, ever heard meth referred to as "T". You learn something new every day.

    • You're a clown living in your little clown world. We'll call it whatever the fuck we want and you have to deal with it....clown!!

  • Everytime i see noob ass stoners talking like this, all i can say is "you are the idiots who get addicted, then blame the weed"

    If you "cant go a day without smoking" yes, you have a fucking problem, especially if you are a parent. Jesus christ.

    And its YOU, its a MENTAL addiction, NOT the plant.

    how do they let ignorant uninformed, half-ass experienced people like this work at high times? Some of yall sound like you only started smoking a year or two ago.

    You're an addict, get better, for your child.

    Learn to use the herb in moderation, not as a "oh, nothing to do, better get high!" type thing.

    -Someone who actually travels the country trying cannabis and doing photography, and has for years now.

    • Save the addictionology nonsense. I smoke every day -- but not all day. It is a panacea for me in many ways from addressing inflammation to reducing stress and deepening my understanding and improving my quality of life. Can I go without it? Yes, no problem. My longest cannabis fast lasted 15 years. If I choose not to do it there are no withdrawal symptoms aside from the urge, which can be ignored.

      I see no downside to my regular enjoyment of this gift of the earth and prefer good old weed (sativa strains) to extracts made in labs, and with my regular use, I am a productive, multi-tasking writer, publisher and full-time caregiver.

    • Sounds like you need to visit a massage parlor on your weed and photography travels. Way too uptight to be a stoner, take a deep breath and enjoy life and maybe stop acting like a total asshole to strangers on the internet

  • I’m back to consuming throughout the day at levels that would frankly scare most people. HA you should hang with my friends. I stopped for 8 days when I traveled to see sister’’s family who are all in law enforcement. They know but I’d never bring it in or near their home. Didn’t bother me a bit.

  • That's awesome to hear! If you're looking to enhance your experience even more, you might want to check out They have a great selection of products that could make your cannabis journey even more enjoyable!

  • Self-evaluation for addiction to *anything* - be it drug or otherwise - is always healthy. Thanks for your story, as a diagnosed schizophrenic, being out in public about it helps with stigma a LOT, but the SELF-stigmatizing is such a demon. Ve sometimes use our high to focus on how ve are best utilizing our high. It's a tool like anything else, just a mental tool instead of more physical. Like anything, learn how to use it best.

  • Taking a T-break and coming back with a renewed appreciation for cannabis—such a relatable experience! It’s amazing how a little time off can reset your tolerance and remind you of the benefits you enjoy. This article nails that sense of rediscovery; it's refreshing to see someone highlight the balance and mindfulness a break can bring to their relationship with cannabis. Sometimes a step back really does make the next session that much sweeter.

  • I adore this point of view! A temporary hiatus from consumption can really do wonders, not merely for the purpose of putting one’s tolerance into perspective often, but also to appreciate cannabis for what it truly is. Much like conquering those enthusiasms all over again, but in a good sense, of course. Such things are best experienced by all the fans every so often, in my opinion!

  • Jackie, this was such a great read. I love how real and unapologetic you are about your weed use—it’s so rare to see someone just own it like that, especially as a mom. The way you’ve checked in with yourself, without letting guilt or judgment take over, is super refreshing.

    The comments are all over the place, but honestly, that’s expected with anything weed-related. Some solid takes, like Jaded Prole and Paulie talking about balance and using it as a tool, but also a lot of noise from people who clearly have their own issues. Your perspective feels honest and grounded, and it’s exactly the kind of conversation we need more of. Keep doing you!

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