CannabisCare, a New Online Dispensary, Features Lab-Tested, Potency-Guaranteed Products

Anthony Delena

This article is sponsored by is distinguishing itself in the marketplace as Canada’s only online dispensary providing triple lab-tested, potency-guaranteed cannabis in all its forms derived from the very finest sourced product B.C. has to offer.

“The medicinal properties of Cannabis are no longer anecdotal, the science is there,” said Dr. Sanjay Gupta, the multiple Emmy award-winning, chief medical correspondent for CNN and practicing neurosurgeon.

When most people think about cannabis the last thing on their minds is science. But the exploding cannabis industry needs to evolve into something more scientific. Research is constantly revealing more medical uses for cannabis resulting in more and more patients across Canada realizing benefits from this amazing plant.

“Lab testing all of our products allows our clients to know the exact cannabinoid profile of any item they are consuming making for easy, efficient and accurate dosing,” explained a spokesperson for CannabisCare.

Dosage has been shown in numerous peer reviewed papers as crucial to patient outcome, just as with any standardized medication. Too much is a waste of money and too little is ineffective.

“The industry has been slow to standardize, and many products, when tested, have been shown not to contain the cannabinoid profile listed on their packaging,” the CannabisCare spokesperson said. “Unlike these companies, we triple test our products in an independent third party lab to ensure potency… and then we post these results online for everyone to see. We feel this makes all the difference. The new Canadian laws are just catching up to what we were already doing with testing. We’re ahead of the curve and intend to stay there.”

“We are setting the bar high. Our vision for CannabisCare is for it to become the ‘gold standard’ for online dispensaries. We carry a wide range of products and specialize in harder to find CBD products—including concentrated CBD oil and edibles. As far as we know we carry the highest CBD to THC ratio products available in Canada, including CBD oil concentrates.”

CBD, which is one of the 113 cannabinoids found in cannabis, has received significant attention and press for its medicinal properties, where it has shown promise as a treatment for illnesses and conditions such as epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, anxiety and even cancer. Unlike the other well-known cannabinoid THC, CBD is non-psychoactive and does not produce the intense high that many patients find uncomfortable. Of course, THC can be helpful for certain conditions as well, and CannabisCare offers a diverse range of potency-guaranteed THC-rich products.

“Our team, our suppliers, everyone involved with CannabisCare is dedicated to quality in our product and we are all personally motivated as well. Every one of us has friends or loved ones with health issues that have seen significant benefits from cannabis and cannabis related products. We want to help others and we want to do it right.”

Future plans for the company include an expanded product line, topicals, medicinal CBD edibles for pets as well as a comprehensive, well-documented, online educational section. “There is so much misconception and misinformation in this industry. We want to educate the public so that they can make informed decisions. Building our online information library is a priority for us going forward.”

______________ offers a variety of Indica, Sativa, and hybrid strains, concentrates, and edibles to Canadian customers only.

Free Shipping on all orders over $100

Potency testing is conducted by Phytatest Laboratories, a leading Canadian provider of medical cannabis analysis.

Anthony Delena

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Anthony Delena
Tags: Sponsored

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