Does Cannabis Use Actually Thwart Coronavirus Infection?

A new study showing cannabis can help prevent Coronavirus infection has experts urging caution.
coronavirus covid-19

A new study this week has potheads gloating, late night talk show hosts snickering and a pandemic-scarred public contemplating a scenario straight out of a stoner comedy: Could cannabis actually stave off Covid?

The truth is, annoyingly, less straightforward than that. 

The study, published in the Journal of Natural Products, found that “cannabis compounds prevented the virus that causes Covid-19 from penetrating healthy human cells.”

According to the authors of the study, “cannabigerolic acid and cannabidiolic acid prevented infection of human epithelial cells by a pseudovirus expressing the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and prevented entry of live SARS-CoV-2 into cells,” while “cannabigerolic acid and cannabidiolic acid were equally effective against the SARS-CoV-2 alpha variant B.1.1.7 and the beta variant B.1.351.”

A report by Bloomberg helped distill all that for the laymen. 

“The two compounds commonly found in hemp — called cannabigerolic acid, or CBGA, and cannabidiolic acid, or CBDA — were identified during a chemical screening effort as having potential to combat coronavirus, researchers from Oregon State University said. In the study, they bound to spike proteins found on the virus and blocked a step the pathogen uses to infect people,” Bloomberg explained. “The researchers tested the compounds’ effect against alpha and beta variants of the virus in a laboratory. The study didn’t involve giving the supplements to people or comparing infection rates in those who use the compounds to those who don’t.”

“These compounds can be taken orally and have a long history of safe use in humans,” Richard van Breemen, a researcher with Oregon State’s Global Hemp Innovation Center said in a statement, as quoted by Bloomberg. “They have the potential to prevent as well as treat infection by SARS-CoV-2.”

There are a few details to keep in mind. The Oregon State University in vitro study hasn’t gone as far as human trials, as limits in medical cannabis research continue to be the norm. Futhermore, cannabigerolic acid and cannabidiolic acid are converted to other compounds after decarboxylation and/or smoking. So smoking, for instance, probably isn’t an efficient way of gaining these benefits.

Nesas Hemp is maker of “the world’s first living full-spectrum organic CBDA hemp extract.” The company uses living hemp and preserves the plant’s natural molecular structure and naturally occurring CBDA, and other beneficial phytonutrients.

“The recent study done by researchers at Oregon State University, underscores what we’ve known for years—CBDA has medicinal properties. The big takeaway from this study however, is that the compounds that help prevent the virus that causes COVID-19 from entering human cells are cannabigerolic acid, or CBGA, and cannabidiolic acid, CBDA, NOT the generic CBD compounds that are found in so many hemp products today,” Nesas Hemp CEO Inesa Ponomariovaite told High Times. “That’s because CBGA and CBDA are produced using raw, living hemp, which ensures the healthy compounds that naturally occur in the plant end up in the final product that is eventually consumed by people. Regular CBD products are often made by burning the plant, which is not only carcinogenic, it also damages the molecular structure of the plant and changes its medicinal properties. In fact, research shows CBDA is often 1,000 times more potent than CBD and helps reduce inflammation, improves digestion, boosts the immune system, improves sleep and stabilizes moods.”

Ponomariovaite continued, saying “currently, most CBD products use extreme temperatures and other harmful processes to extract cannabinoids from the hemp plant to produce hemp extract, also known as hemp oil. This damages the natural cannabinoid acids and the medicinal properties found in the plant.”

The study has gone viral and has also prompted laughs and notes of caution from experts. The revelations proved to be quality fodder for late night monologues.

“This would be interesting. All this time we’ve been listening to the C.D.C., we should have been eating CBD,” cracked Jimmy Kimmel on Wednesday.

“You know, it’s funny—all these crazy cures, I’m like ‘Oh, that’s ridiculous.’ Ivermectin, the horse dewormer; bleach. And then somebody says marijuana prevents Covid, I’m like ‘Oh, really? Do tell,” he said.

Stephen Colbert couldn’t resist either.

“Great news for all the teenagers whose parents find weed in their room: ‘Oh, Mom, I see you found the Covid-stopping compounds that I hid in my sock drawer. Those aren’t mine. No, no. Those aren’t mine. I’m just holding them for my friend, Tony Fauci,’” he said Wednesday.

“In other words, the pot enters the body and asks Covid, ‘Are you a cell? You have to tell me if you’re a cell,’” Colbert added.

Cannabis Use Won’t Replace Coronavirus Vaccinations

Still, this doesn’t mean that you should swap a jab for a joint.

As Chris Roberts explained over at Forbes, what the Oregon State study does show is that “that certain cannabis-derived preparations, given in the right amount, might help people fight off Covid-19,” which he said is “exciting stuff.”

“What this research does not mean is that smoking cannabis helps protect you from the coronavirus, or that ‘weed stops Covid’ (at least in the practical sense), or that the reason why someone got sick with Covid while someone else didn’t had anything to do with cannabis,” Roberts wrote.

Forbes highlighted some other reasons to be skeptical of the study, with Dr. Mikael Sodergren, the head of Imperial College London’s medical cannabis research group, telling the outlet that the findings would still need to be “confirmed in animal models and tested on humans in clinical trials.”

Sodergren told Forbes that the study furthermore provides “no evidence to support the smoking or ingestion of cannabis products to do the same.”

The benefits of hemp and cannabis continue to unfold. Dr. Raphael Mechoulam was ahead of the game, praising the health benefits of cannabinoid acids in 2019.

  1. Anybody who quotes Steven Colbert is a doofus.
    I’ve never seen anybody who is so consumed by establishment propaganda. It’s sad. His show on Comedy Central was groundbreaking. Now he supports an establishment “cure” he knows nothing about, when vaccines could not possibly stop a virus that’s already spread. That’s not how it works, Colbert, you dingus.

  2. It would be devastating to all the anti potters out there,if nature had the cure.
    Humans think they are somehow smarter than nature,and many men find it awkward to be in the presence of monkeys.

  3. all im saying is im the only person in my house who isnt sick. The other three are quite sick and Ive been taking care of them. The only difference between me and them is im always high.

  4. DISCLAIMER: If YOU are too easily triggered and too lazy to carefully read this entire flyer THEN DON’T READ IT and give it to the most intelligent person you know.

    The men the American people admire the most extravagantly are the most daring liars: the men they detest most violently are those who try to tell them the truth. – H.L. Mencken


    Take Off Your Mask And Get Off Your Knees ! COVID-19 IS FAKE !

    Unquestioning Gullibility And Obedient Compliance

    Are Unbecoming Of A Patriot !

    FACT : Thousands of highly credible and qualified doctors and scientists from around the world are adamantly insisting that Covid-19 is either completely fake or practically harmless and are being deliberately and systematically censored by the Mainstream media and governments. ( Numbers Correspond To Links In CVHOAX.COM ) 2,3,7,8,9,11,14,17,32,33,34,35,36,40,44,55,59,60,61,62,63,69,76,80,82.83,86,90,104, 147,157.

    FACT : Covid-19 has never been scientifically proven to exist because it has not met any of the four criteria of Koch’s Postulate which is known as the Gold Standard of proof of a virus’s existence. The scientific study of germs is known as Germ Theory because it’s a THEORY ! Germs have never been proven to be the cause of contagious disease yet have been used to sell vaccines for over a hundred years. Exosome Theory is far more plausible. If you don’t know what Koch’s Postulate and Exosomes are then you’re not as smart or as well informed as you thought you were. This is an opportune time to drop your know it all attitude and open your ears.



    FACT : The creator of the PCR Test used to detect Covid-19 said it was never intended to detect any virus. Every Covid-19 death was caused by something else and falsely attributed to Covid-19. Do you believe hospitals would be tempted to claim that a patient who died of the Flu had instead died of Covid-19 if the Government gave them $50,000.00 to say so ? Dr. Genevieve Briand MS, Assistant Director for Applied Economics at Johns Hopkins University, has proven that there has been no more deaths in 2020 than there were in 2019. There were no Influenza deaths recorded in 2020 because they were falsely labeled Covid -19 deaths, as well as cancer and car wrecks etc. ( 157 ! ) 12,23,24,29,40,94,103,120,122,130,135. 9,10,16,17,27,56,88,89,96,117,118,129,143. 21,25,30,67,68,72,84,150,151. 37.

    FACT : Wearing a mask is utterly ineffective at blocking a virus. A virus can pass through a mask as easily as swimming under the Golden Gate Bridge. Prolonged mask wearing causes brain damage and respiratory illnesses. The first step to overcoming your mask fetish is to admit you have one. Do you wear a mask in your vehicle or outdoors when no one is near you ? Until recently it was common knowledge that constant hand sanitizing and isolation inhibits one’s immune system while exposure to dirt and filth and other people strengthens one’s immune system. “ Mask Mouth ”. If the Mainstream Media and Government could convince you to do the Hokey Pokey they most certainly would. Unconstitutional and criminal mask mandates are a mass Asch Conformity Experiment. If you’re worried about getting sick, then suffocating yourself is probably not a good idea. Any person wearing two or more masks is actively engaging in

    Natural Selection. 40,57,59,70,(71),78,79,87,95,101,102,132,139.140.

    FACT : The Covid-19 ‘pandemic’ was planned years in advance and has been surreptitiously introduced into the public consciousness through popular culture. Many news articles reporting on Covid-19 are bizarrely coded with strange numbers. 19,20,38,42,46,47,48,52,53,54,56,77,121. 22,39,47,48,52,156.

    FACT : Unconstitutional and criminal lockdown laws are destroying your freedom and your economic livelihood and your future. Unconstitutional and criminal lockdown laws are causing the starvation deaths of millions of people in poor countries and soon in formerly wealthy countries. Is it wise to inject yourself with a drug falsely labeled as a vaccine, designed to alter your DNA and sterilize you, to prevent a virus that has never been scientifically proven to exist ? Is it wise for the U.S. Military personnel to be injected with this ‘vaccine’ ? A perfect analogy to comprehend the social dynamic surrounding the public’s enthusiastic willingness to embrace the Covid-19 narrative

    without question can be seen in the video titled “Key & Peele, Pegasus Sighting”. Simply change the word “Pegasus” to “Covid-19”. Orson Welles’ War Of The Worlds broadcast also comes to mind. Throughout history rulers have used human being’s deep desire to feel like they’re contributing to the greater good to manipulate the public to act against their own best interests. “A soldier will fight long and hard for a bit of colored ribbon.” – Napoleon Bonaparte. The Emperor wears no clothes. Educate yourself or perish. 105,126,127,146,149,154,155. 18,50,51,65,74,75,85,92,100,106,107,108,113,114,119,128,134,149,152,153,158,159,160,161.

    FACT : Lawsuits are currently being pursued against governments and other players that deceived the public to accept unconstitutional and criminal lockdown laws based on a fraudulent test to detect the nonexistent Covid-19. 58,59,64,91,124,131,141.

    FACT : Four out of five Stanley Milgrams surveyed recommend critical thinking for their patients who want to live in reality and not blindly follow orders from whomever they consider to be an authority. 147,157,162.

    FACT : Decades of thorough documentation of placebos and nocebos conclusively and irrefutably prove that human beings can both heal and sicken themselves with their thoughts and feelings alone. Ray Charles. Thalidomide. Catherine Austin Fitts:

    Planet Lockdown, the missing 21 Trillion Dollars and FASAB 56. (163).


    Will your ego allow you to examine the proof that Covid-19 is fake ?

    Although, the thought of the Mainstream Media and Government lying to this extent is frightening, your denial of this deceit is absolutely terrifying.

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