High Fries?!? Ohio Mother Allegedly Finds Marijuana in Wendy’s Order

Mike Adams

Some employees of a Wendy’s restaurant in Ohio could soon find themselves standing in the unemployment line, and possibly even face charges, after a Huber Heights woman reportedly discovered her daughter’s french fries had been seasoned with a little Mary Jane.

According to a report from WDTN News, Dezeray Risner pulled into a local Wendy’s earlier this week to get her 4-year-old daughter an order of fries. However, minutes after leaving the drive-thru, her little girl began screaming from the back seat about how her food “tasted funny.” Upon further inspection, Risner says she found that the fries had come with a side of marijuana.

That’s when Risner decided it was time to put in a call to the manager, who reportedly just laughed upon hearing the complaint, saying something to the effect that “no one in the restaurant has any marijuana.” Of course, it wasn’t long before the police got involved.

The story indicates that Risner took her daughter’s “high fries” to the Huber Heights Police Department, where the “strong odor of marijuana” wafting from the bag was all the evidence they needed to send a squad down to the fast food restaurant for further investigation.

Once inside, cops began to shakedown workers—most of whom admitted to being marijuana users—but all of them assured police that they did not have any weed in their possession. Consented searches confirmed the workers were clean.

Police are still investigating.

On Wednesday, the fast food chain’s corporate office released a statement regarding the incident.

“Please know all of our customers as well as the quality and integrity of our food are a top priority at Wendy’s and we are taking this very seriously,” Wendy’s said. “We are currently conducting a thorough internal investigation and the Human Resource and Legal departments are both fully cooperating with police in their investigation. We will get to the bottom of this issue as soon as possible. It is as important to us as it is to the community.”

These types of weed-infused fast food incidents have been surfacing across the United States. In many cases, the people responsible can be brought up on serious charges.

Most recently, a Subway worker from Utah was charged with suspicion of felony surreptitious administration of a poisonous substance after he laced a police officer’s drink with methamphetamine and THC, the psychoactive component of the cannabis plant.

For all HIGH TIMES’ news coverage, click here.

Mike Adams

Mike Adams is a High Times Staff writer hailing from the darkest depths of the Armpit of America—Southern Indiana.

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