CBD American Shaman

Getting the most out of your CBD.


Founded in 2015 by hemp-entrepreneur and CEO Vince Sanders, CBD American Shaman is based out of Kansas City, Missouri and is one of the largest hemp derived CBD companies in North America. Using a team of dedicated researchers and doctors, the company has developed a series of organic, all-natural industrial hemp-based products with increased bioavailability aimed at improving people’s quality of life and promoting an overall healthier lifestyle for patients.

After Sanders’s uncle Dennis was diagnosed with an aggressive form of stage IV lung cancer in 2012 and given six months to live, Sanders identified what was important to him and became inspired to discover a solution that would prolong his uncle’s life. Curious about the medical benefits of cannabis, Sanders began his research, which led him to CBD. Although there wasn’t much U.S.-based information about the market, there was a plethora of scientific reports from Israel and Spain that gave him a starting point. Armed with knowledge, Sanders developed a crude CBD extract and after administering it to his uncle for 90 days, Dennis was in full remission. Despite his efforts, Dennis passed away due to unrelated complications, but the experience started Sanders down a passionate path of helping people that he would not turn back from. “It’s addicting,” he says.

Vince Sanders/ CBD American Shaman

Over the next few years, Sanders poured himself into the industry with the intent of “changing lives and turning people on to a homeopathic, plant-based option that is natural, therapeutic and far superior to pharmaceuticals, [without] any of the side effects.” Thus, CBD American Shaman was born.

Cannabidiol (CBD) is one of 113 known naturally occurring chemical compounds, known as cannabinoids, found in cannabis and hemp that imparts a sensation of calming relaxation and has no psychoactive properties. CBD is usually derived from Cannabis Sativa, which has two species, hemp and marijuana, although hemp generally carries a much higher percentage of CBD and extremely low levels of THC (less than 0.3%). Associated with a cascade of remedies, CBD has become well known for treating conditions including pain, inflammation, severe stress/anxiety, epilepsy, cancer, and a laundry list of other disorders.

In an effort to create a more affordable and shelf stable product, Sanders and his team harnessed the science of nanotechnology to improve their full spectrum, terpene-rich CBD emulsion. This process breaks down molecules to a billionth of their original size, making it easier for the body to absorb the compound into the blood stream, retain the microparticles for longer periods of time, and penetrate deeper into the body. This is known as bioavailability and is currently the most effective way of introducing a compound into the body, specifically the endocannabinoid system (structure of cannabinoid receptors located throughout the body). It produces a more uniform effect with greater surface area, making the product more consistent and predictable, which means you can take less of the product while retaining more of the benefits. Shaman specifically breaks its particles down to 50 nanometers, known as the goldilocks zone, using their particle size analyzer to ensure it connects to your receptors.

Vince Sanders/ CBD American Shaman

Shaman has infused this ‘cornerstone’ tech into all its products including water soluble products, tinctures, skin care/beauty products, edibles, capsules, pet products, and more—all created in their manufacturing facility and overseen by lead chemist, Jade Mitchell. Responsible for R&D and quality control, Mitchell uses a High-Pressure Liquid Chromatography System (HPLC) to accurately break down, analyze, and quantify every batch of CBD before processing, ensuring the compound is consistent, of the highest quality, and free from pesticides, heavy metals, and other impurities. “We’ve manipulated it as softly as we can […] ensuring the integrity of the plants profile is upheld,” says Sanders. “Our goal is to be as close to nature as possible.” 

CBD American Shaman also works with medical director and chief medical officer Dr. Jesse Lopez, a traditionally trained trauma surgeon who has over 27 years of experience in the medical field and has long incorporated holistic treatments and natural supplements into his practice. Based at one of the two Shaman clinics, Dr. Lopez educates and advises leadership of the company on questions and concerns regarding the clinical benefits of CBD while lending expert support and documented validation from the medical perspective.

Inspired by the demands of his patients seeking a more natural remedy to support a healthier lifestyle, coupled with the company’s progressive transparency, Dr. Lopez joined forces with Shaman at the beginning of 2018 with the intention of regulating their CBD treatment from a supplemental perspective. “CBD is a health supplement like any other, like vitamin D or C, and an individual should have access to it from a supplemental perspective,” says Lopez, adding that “personally, I believe in plant medicine. I believe that plants have healing properties […] but from the traditional, practical perspective, we need to get back to calling it a supplement, rather than a medication.”

Vince Sanders/ CBD American Shaman

Through this lens, the company can provide therapy assistance and preventative advice to patients, looking at the entire aspect of their condition, “yielding immediate results by utilizing natural holistic supplements that can support their overall health and homeostasis,” says Lopez. And although “CBD is one of the main tools in our tool belt […] the team prefers to take a more scientific approach to narrowing down symptoms in order to create a treatment plan based on the individual needs of each patient.” This is what truly sets CBD American Shaman apart from other companies in the industry: understanding the concept of modern-day wellness and the desire for people to naturally combat ‘dis-ease’ in their lives.

Of course, there are still a host of challenges in today’s CBD industry. From untested, uncontrolled production of inferior products with limited bioavailability, to overpriced merchandise, to misinformation and negative stigmas, CBD is in a limbo of authenticity and honest information. “The biggest challenge facing the CBD industry today is that it is associated with THC […] CBD does not have the psychoactive components that THC does and is not marijuana,” states Lopez. Once this misconception is overcome, more people will have access to the miracle of CBD, with the potential to improve their lives using natural, homeopathic, plant-based remedies that have been part of our culture throughout human history.

In addition to both of Shaman’s physician staffed Kansas City clinics, the company has over 300 franchise locations throughout the country with more on the way. They also offer online ordering, ensuring availability to any and all in search of alternative relief they can trust, with the science to back up the results. So, if you find yourself reading this article, it is not a coincidence: it is the synchronicity of connecting with the right information in the right place at the right time. This is the Shaman Way.

“Changing lives and turning people on to a homeopathic, plant-based option that is natural, therapeutic, and far superior to pharmaceuticals, [without] any of the side effects.”

—Founder and CEO Vince Sanders, CBD American Shaman


Cannabidiol is a phytocannabinoid found in both hemp and marijuana that connects with naturally occurring receptors spread throughout the human body and is clinically proven to assist in pain management, anxiety, cognition repair, seizure reduction, and so much more.


Nanotechnology refers to molecules broken down to a billionth of meter in size, making it easier to be absorbed by the body. Imagine a basketball on your floor full of BBs. Alone the basketball has little surface area, but if the BBs spill out, your floor would be covered by them, allowing for a greater surface area to be covered.


Bioavailability refers to the percentage of a substance that can be absorbed by the human body, and measurement of the rate it reaches its area of activation.

Endocannabinoid System

The endocannabinoid system is a biological system composed of neurotransmitters and receptors spread throughout the central nervous system that regulates cannabinoids and the effects of cannabis/hemp.


Homeopathy is a medical alternative based in the belief that the body can heal itself with the aid of natural supplements, minerals, and organic substances.

Vince Sanders/ CBD American Shaman

Try out CBD American Shaman’s Nano’d CBD products yourself & experience the difference.
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