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5 posts
Concerned Neighbors Complain About Ducks Working on Vermont Cannabis Farm
There is reportedly a small but notable kerfuffle taking place in a small Vermont town surrounding one man, his weed farm, and over two dozen ducks being used to fertilize the plants.
November 27, 2023
California Spotted Owls Threatened by Illegal Cannabis Grows
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services proposes protections for California owls to help them recover from the effects of climate change, as well as illegal cannabis cultivation.
February 27, 2023
Drug-Carrying Pigeon in Canadian Prison Yard
Officers at a Canadian prison nabbed a drug smuggler who would definitely be considered a flight risk. The culprit? A meth-carrying pigeon.
January 18, 2023
‘Birds Aren’t Real’ Founder Proves People Will Believe Anything
Have birds been wiped out and replaced by robotic replicas? Are you high? Are we? Let's read on and find out!
May 5, 2022