The waters of the Vineyard Sound fall under federal jurisdiction, so delivery of cannabis products is currently illegal.
The Church of the Eagle and the Condor has affirmed its members’ right to use ayahuasca for religious ceremonial purposes.
The appeals implications surrounding trademark infringement in the cannabis industry, and the legal definitions of rolling papers, are seismic.
After a Massachusetts-based cannabis lawsuit was dismissed in January, the companies decided to introduce a new court filing.
An Oregon nurse and the hospital she worked for are being sued for millions of dollars in a lawsuit that…
Lawsuit charges include negligent misrepresentation, intentional misrepresentation/fraud, unjust enrichment/disgorgement, and two counts of racketeering.
The family was separated last year at a traffic stop in Tennessee and is now suing state law enforcement and…
The lawsuit was initially filed late last year, but experts believe it could potentially reach the supreme court.
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is suing the cities of Austin, San Marcos, Killeen, Elgin, and Denton in an attempt…
A federal judge in Mississippi has dismissed a lawsuit challenging the state’s ban on advertising by cannabis businesses.