9 Businesses That Should Incorporate Weed

There are a ton of businesses that should incorporate weed. Here are nine that would revolutionize everything.
9 Businesses That Should Incorporate Weed

3. Movie theaters

9 Businesses That Should Incorporate Weed

Going to the movie theatre while high can be a borderline religious experience, with the added bonus of movie theatre snacks.

Whether you want to understand the intricacies of a murder mystery, be moved to tears on an intergalactic adventure, or cower in fear during a horror flick, weed is a surefire way to get there.

Extra points for combining IMAX and edibles.

Though movie theaters are one of the essential businesses that should incorporate weed, we’d have to work on timing when it comes to edibles.

The best setting for a weed-brownie movie experience would be a high-end theater where you could arrive early for a beer, enjoy your edible, and have the experience begin by the time the trailers were over.

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