Business Outlaws Are Podcasters Changing the Game

BigMike of Advanced Nutrients and Chris Collins of Syndicate X share everything they know about being business titans with host Jayme Foxx on their new podcast Business Outlaws.

Mary Jane Gibson

BigMike loves big business. The nutrients titan is a proudly self-made millionaire, coming up as an outlaw cannabis grower in the 1980s. Today, BigMike lives the good life in his Hollywood Hills mansion, throwing legendary parties and overseeing the immense Advanced Nutrients empire. One afternooon, BigMike and his business fixer bud Chris Collins were chilling at the Marijuana Mansion. As they chatted, the duo was struck by the idea that, if only they’d known at 20 what they know now, they’d have gotten rich a whole lot sooner.

Collins is a business fixer, coach, and author. BigMike is a legend in the cannabis industry. They have a wealth of knowledge about how to make money—and, importantly, how to enjoy themselves while doing it. In the course of their conversation at the mansion that day, the friends realized they wanted to share that knowledge with the next generation of moneymakers. The result: Business Outlaws, a podcast aimed at giving young folks the mindset and tools needed to build a business and amass a fortune.

Chatting with good-humored host Jamye Foxx, who weighs in with light-hearted, wry observations, BigMike and Collins go deep on topics such as getting paid as a freelancer, what it means to be a leader, and how to keep a cool head in business deals. They interview moguls like marketing guru Jason Flaidlen and top boxing trainer Matt Baiamonte on what their habits are for success. The format is loose and conversational—BigMike and Collins swap stories about learning from their mistakes while quipping with Foxx about her ex-boyfriends. And it can get raw—i.e., there’s some swearing. The friends pride themselves on being unfiltered and opinionated while sharing what they’ve learned about smashing rules and breaking through norms to make millions.

Millenials are the largest generation in the U.S. workforce, and they are facing a fissured job market. Tools for success are incredibly important, as many millennials are choosing self-employment. How to risk, how to get up after a stumble, how to define goals and make a business plan. Business Outlaws aims to reach those just starting out. BigMike and Collins aim to chat with game changers from all walks of life on the podcast. They’re down to help young entrepreneurs get ahead, and they definitely don’t want to be boring about it. New episodes of Business Outlaws on iTunes come out every Tuesday.

Mary Jane Gibson

Mary Jane has been writing and editing for High Times since 2007. Currently based in Los Angeles, she writes about cannabis culture, entertainment and cutting-edge trends.

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Mary Jane Gibson

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