9 of the Smartest Pot Smokers Who Ever Walked the Planet

Science proves that smoking cannabis does not, in fact, have a negative impact on the brain. The world’s smartest pot smokers are proof of that.
9 of the Smartest Pot Smokers Who Ever Walked the Planet

9. Francis Crick


Along with James Watson, Francis Crick discovered the structure of the DNA molecule in 1953 and jointly received the Nobel Prize in 1962.

He was one of the smartest pot smokers who ever lived, and although maybe not a frequent smoker himself, Crick was a long-time advocate for legalization and a critic of marijuana’s legal classification alongside harder drugs.

He famously wrote to Dr. Clyde Manwell in 1970 that, “In my view, cannabis is not a dangerous drug, and is certainly no worse than the combination of alcohol and tobacco.”

Mind = Blown.

Final Hit: The Smartest Pot Smokers Who Ever Walked the Planet

With this impressive list of geniuses who smoked weed, it’s hard to believe the age-old argument that cannabis kills brain cells. Especially with the mounting evidence that says it doesn’t. If nothing else, this list goes to show you that you can still enjoy the herb and accomplish extraordinary things in life. In fact, Mary Jane might be a helping hand in that.

  1. Francis Crick, when he stated that “In my view, cannabis is not a dangerous drug, and is certainly no worse than the combination of alcohol and tobacco,” clearly intended to say that cannabis is not very harmful, however, actually, he greatly overestimated the potential for harm from cannabis! Actually, almost no medical conditions (and none serious), nor violence nor traffic accidents have ever been proven to be caused by cannabis use. EVER (and not for want of trying).

    The truth is, cannabis use is not nearly as harmful as “the combination of alcohol and tobacco,” in fact, it is MUCH, MUCH less dangerous than either one.

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