Dear Dan, I’m interested in using Kyle Kushman’s Vegamatrix for my next grow. What is a good soil to use or should u make your own soil with light nutrients in the soil? – Dan D.
Dear Dan,
Veganic growing is becoming more and more popular as people discover the joys of consuming cleanly grown cannabis. Growers and aficionados love the enhanced aromas and flavors as well as the burnability factor that leaves only a wispy white ash behind.
I asked my friend and mentor Kyle Kushman what soil he recommends for use with his new line of nutrients and here’s his response, “The best soil in my opinion for Vegamatrix is Premier Pro-MixCC. The marble sized Chunks of Coir really prevent packing and provide balanced air/water retention. Their HP formula is very good also.”
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(photo by @DannyDanko)