Google Play Is Promoting Games Based On Drug War

When a sitting president boasts of personally killing drug suspects and invokes Hitler and the Holocaust as a favorable model for his own country, it should raise some serious red flags that a madman is on the loose.

Philippine leader, Rodrigo Duterte, also said he’d “be happy” to exterminate three million people who use or sell drugs in his country.

He’s already killed more than 12,000 people in the last year.

So now, we have the Google Play store hosting games (rated E for everyone) glorifying this lunatic’s murderous drug war.

NORML has launched a petition campaign to get Google to take down these awful games.

Several of them pit Duterte against the zombies, a reference he made about people struggling with addiction problems: “I will never, never, never rule a country with so many zombies around.”

Duterte said: “If you know of any addicts, go ahead and kill them yourself as getting their parents to do it would be too painful.”

The top game on Google Play has over 1 million downloads and 33,000 reviews. The game’s caption is: “Help Duterte fight against the zombies! Get weapons for destruction, earn badges and teach them lesson [sic] to stop the crime!”

In another game, players “help Duterte eliminate people infected by drugs.”

Duterte has essentially called for genocide against drug users and has vowed to pardon all police and others who murder in the name of his drug war.

More than a million people have turned themselves in out of fear they might be killed and are being subjected to overcrowded and horrendous prison conditions.

In August, after the police killed 32 people in one day, Duterte praised the operation and said he’d order the shooting of human rights advocates if they spoke against it.

“Let’s kill another 32 every day, maybe we can reduce what ails this country,” Duterte said.

“It seems pretty clear that these games violate Google Play’s policy, which says ‘We don’t allow apps that lack reasonable sensitivity towards or capitalize on a natural disaster, atrocity, conflict, death, or other tragic event,’” notes NORML. “In that vein, we are demanding that Google recognize the ongoing atrocity happening in the Philippines and that they remove these apps from their store immediately.”

Here is the petition again. Please join us in telling Google Play to remove these despicable games.

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