In the ever crowded world of vaporizer pens, KandyPens continues to be one step ahead in both features and functionality. With their release of “DONUTS” this week they combine an all-ceramic disc atomizer, all ceramic deep dish chamber (.5 gram capacity), and a temperature controlled battery, giving the user the option to vape at super low temps for the best flavor and aroma possible.
Traditional coil atomizers burn or incinerate wax on the first draw but not with DONUTS. Dabbing with DONUTS can last 5-10x longer than coil-bound vape pens. It’s an amazing new way to dab that will be sure to make ripples in the industry for years to come.
On top of all this, KandyPens even provides customers with a lifetime warranty on the battery so they’re always covered. It also comes in a nifty hard-shell carrying case for extra discreteness.
Article sponsored by Kandypens