Hempire the Game: Everything You Need To Know About Hempire

Time to build your own Hempire.
Hempire the Game: Everything You Need To Know About Hempire
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Multiplayer survival games like Fortnite might be all the rage right now, but that’s not to say there aren’t other games out there that have built a cult following. Amongst stoners, or really, anyone that has an affinity for the green, there’s one game that’s garnering more and more of an interactive audience: the mobile game Hempire.

Don’t know much about the Hempire game? Well, we’ll take you through it step by step. By the end of this, you’ll be able to build your own Hempire.

What Is Hempire?

Do you have aspirations of becoming the ultimate weed entrepreneur but don’t have the necessary means to do so? Meaning, A) you don’t live in a weed-legal state B) you don’t have the necessary capital, or C) you’re just too damn young. Well, you might want to get your feet wet virtually by playing Hempire.

Essentially, it’s the legal cannabis version of Minecraft. Except, instead of mining for ore and building stuff, you’re harvesting buds and building a weed empire.

Here’s the official description of the game on Hempire’s website:

The world’s best weed game gives YOU the opportunity to build a hemp empire, bud by bud. By producing hundreds of custom strains, baked goodies and extracts, you will provide for people in need, make deliveries, grow partnerships and increase your net worth. Rebuild your crumbling city and battle political corruption while competing against real-world players. Will you build the most legendary cana-business in the world and be the next HEMPEROR? Let’s get growing!

The game was launched last 4/20 by the British Columbia-based LBC Studios, and it’s available on both IOS and Android.

Hempire Game Review

Throughout the story-driven MMO, you’re going to have to navigate your way through the trials and tribulations associated with opening up your own weed business—not unlike what most actual entrepreneurs face.

One of the initial obstacles is getting a growers license—something plenty of real-life cannabusinesses struggle with. However, in this game, simply skipping over the elongated and sometimes flawed approval process is critical. Instead of applying for a cultivation license, your character bribes the town mayor—with illegally grown marijuana. The ploy works though, and it brings a little excitement and badassery to the game.

Outside of some wacky storylines, the game is actually pretty educational, especially when it comes to cultivation and strain recognization.

In order to be successful, you have to go to your lab to breed your own strains. You get the chance to mix and match and come up with your own fire recipe.

The best part is, your whole grow operation is completely customizable, so you can really get creative. In addition to growing, the game familiarizes you with several other aspects of the cannabis industry, including the retail sector. Except, unlike the heavily regulated retail industry IRL, you get a little bit of leeway. You’re allowed to sell your product through a dispensary or trade it to other characters. Additionally, the extra cash you make in the game can help you put your money into other investments. Diversity is the name of the game.

Another cool feature is the ability to put your product up against that of other players in the Hempire Cup—essentially, this game’s version of High Times’ own Cannabis Cup.

The ultimate goal, however, is to take back your city from political corruption. On a deeper level, the game represents how impactful a legal marijuana industry can be for a city, especially one under financial duress.

Hempire Game Tips

For those looking to get in on the action, here are a few Hempire game tips to consider.

Much like in the real cannabis industry, there are plenty of tips and tricks to separate yourself from the rest of the competition. These five Hempire game tips that could prove to be crucial in your quest for success.

Play High!

This one is common sense, and it’s pretty unlikely people aren’t high when they’re playing this game, but it is arguably the most important tip we have. How can you appreciate the virtual cannabis industry without being a little medicated yourself?

Use Quick Select

This, like other Hempire game tips, is a must-know for beginners. You can, essentially, hotkey most of the marquee locations in the game. At the bottom of the screen, there are four buttons. Each button will bring you to a specific facility—your lab, home, etc. It’s way easier than getting around the old-fashioned way, to say the least.

Critical Thinking Is A Must

Obviously, the game is meant to be fun, but like running a real business, you must think before you act. There are plenty of decisions to be made, so make sure you think carefully before acting. Maybe don’t get TOO high before the game, so you can be decisive in your actions.

Leave The Game Open While Growing

Of all of our Hempire game tips, this one feels the most like a cheat code. However, it’s arguably the most effective.

When you harvest a fully grown plant, you get bonus buds if the plant was watered well. There are different intervals the game gives you to water each plant (it’s all plant-specific). To qualify for the bonus bus (up to five per plant) you should leave the game open, so you don’t miss your scheduled watering times. If you manage to hit on all your watering times your grow mastery will increase for that particular plant.

Don’t Spend All Of Your Gems At Once 

Has your grandmother ever given you some money for your birthday and said: “don’t spend it all in one place!” Well, this is pretty much the same idea. When you get your gems, make sure you don’t just impulsively spend them on one thing you don’t even really want. Save your gems, and it will pay off in the end.

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