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357 posts

The latest research and findings from the scientific community on the medical qualities of cannabis.

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Munchies Explained Scientifically in New Study

The notion that consuming cannabis can often be described as a one-way ticket to a bag of Cheetos has echoed throughout the scores of history (at least since 1948 when Cheetos were invented). After hundreds of years of people using cannabis to help them eat, modern scientists may have found a logical explanation in the brain for this phenomenon.
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New AI Model Can Identify Designer, Research Drugs on the Fly

Identifying suspected drugs in the field has long-since been an issue for law enforcement to keep pace with. At a certain point, there are just far too many different psychoactive chemicals to keep track of and the number grows larger every day. However, a new AI language model just won an award for identifying unknown and untested compounds with surprising accuracy.