Grow for (Almost) Free with the Right LED

Spectrum King has everything you need to make the switch from HPS to LED.
Courtesy of Spectrum King

Talk to any grower about lighting these days, and one hot topic is bound to come up: how to switch from HPS to LED.  How much will it cost me?  Is my state going to force me to do it?  Is there anything I can do to keep my expenses as low as possible?

The reality is that this switch doesn’t need to be painful, and can actually save you money even in the near term if you buy industrial grade LED grow lights at the right price. There are two basic things that are going to help: (1) rebates and tax credits, and (2) using high quality industrial grade LED grow lights that reduce electrical consumption and last for many years. Let’s talk about how this all works together to save you money.

Courtesy of Spectrum King

Part 1: Get Your Rebates

Rebates for LEDs are a great way to get cash back, and are generally handled by local utilities on a state-by-state basis. For instance, if you’re in Maine, you’re going to be dealing with Efficiency Maine to get your rebate. In Oregon, you’ll be working with Energy Trust of Oregon. In general, you can save 20% to 60% off the price of your LEDs in states that offer rebates.

Each utility company has its own program and requirements, but the following are good rules of thumb to use from the start and maximize what you get back:

  1. Make sure the fixtures you buy are DLC listed. DLC’s Horticultural Qualified Products List designates energy-efficient horticultural lighting, and most utilities will only give rebates for listed products. The Spectrum King Phoenix line, for example, is entirely DLC listed.
  2. Look at requirements before you buy. In some states, your plan must be reviewed and approved by the utility before you actually purchase the lights. Don’t buy anything before you find out what you need to do.
  3. Make the switch sooner rather than later. In general, tax credits and other rebates tend to be more generous in the beginning, and get lower every year. There is also a maximum cap of how much money is available for each program. If you’re thinking about switching to LED, the best time to do it is probably as soon as your state starts offering rebates and credits.

In some states, doing these things right can save you a TRUCKLOAD of money. For example, in Maine, you can save 60% off the cost of lights in rebates alone!

Courtesy of Spectrum King

Part 2: Buy the Right Lights

Combine Quality Industrial Grade LED grow lights with your rebates and you’ll come out ahead of HPS in a matter of months. This is related to three things: (1) fixture price, (2) direct energy savings, and (3) air conditioning savings.

  1. Fixture price. A well-priced fixture, combined with the utility rebate, can come extremely close to the cost of HPS lighting. The best option is to buy a high-quality fixture, with top tier specs, at a good price. This way, you can buy once and not have to overpay or replace your fixtures, while also generating monster yields. The Spectrum King Phoenix 680W, for example, is producing around 3.4 lbs. per light at 818 Brands, the Company’s growing partner in Adelanto, California. Priced at just $1 per watt or even less if you outfit a full grow, the light is DLC listed for rebates and also offers over 60,000 hours of consistent photon output, with a five-year warranty. 
  2. Direct energy savings. The Phoenix 680W covers a 4’x4’ flower area easily, and uses 320 watts less than a standard HPS fixture. Multiply this energy savings by the number of fixtures in your facility, and it’s pretty easy to see that your energy bill should go down enormously just due to the lower power requirements of an industry-leading LED grow light.
  3. Air conditioning savings. You ever notice how hot it gets in a grow running HPS lights? We have too. In warm climates, your air conditioning bill will likely go down about 40% by switching from HPS to a Spectrum King Phoenix 680.
Courtesy of Spectrum King

How it All Comes Together

How does it all look when everything goes according to plan?

Well, let’s say you’ve got a grow in Maine that you outfit with 100 Spectrum King Phoenix 680s. By our calculations, between rebates and energy savings, you can easily come out ahead of the cost of HPS lights within the first six months of installation.

It’s an incredible deal. You get cutting edge tech, enjoy monster yields, and have a much nicer work environment with a clean, full spectrum light, all for a cheaper price than HPS lighting. Can’t beat it!

If you want some help taking advantage of these opportunities, hit us up at We’ll be happy to help you pick the light that’s right for you, estimate your payback period, and guide you through the process of getting a rebate. Hope to hear from you soon!

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